How Stoppage of Child Marriage is Leading to Unrest in Life and Investments?

05 November 2014

How Stoppage of Child Marriage is Leading to Unrest in Life and Investments?

Greetings from Hitesh! My article on Saturn move in Scorpio has been hit on Google search!! Today I am dealing with really hot topic and many of you would have made the face reading the title!! But it is a fact. Let me deal with that.

Let me ask two simple questions.

How many of you are ready to change your mother / Father / brother / sister / school friends?

None would be ready. You might not speak with them/ fight with them but none would be ready to go for replacement!! Am I right?

Now, Second Question – how many of you are ready to change the spouse? Given choice - most people would like to.

What is the secret?

When your mind is very young you have more acceptability than considerations. You have more liking for the person rather than the beauty or money of the other person!!

When a child marries before puberty –they become friends first and sex and other considerations come later. By the time they can have SEX, their bonding has become strong like ROCK.

When you go for marriage after 24 –you look at beauty and financial stability. So, the first come the SEX and it may or may not culminate in strong bonding. There is a huge increase in rate of Divorce in last 20 years. In fact, they go for Pre-nuptial before even they get married!! Where is the love???

During the English slavery – we have been trained to blindly follow the western methods without much thinking of the long term repercussions.

How does this affect your investment performance?

Say you have got the Reliance Ind IPO shares at Rs.10 / Infosys at Rs.50 / HUL at Rs.25.

Do you think you would have panicked in 1992/1994/2000/2008? Not at all. You would have been happy to add them at lower levels as you know the return these stocks have generated for you.

When Problem Comes?

Buying a stock at market price is like marring a 24 year plus female. There is no guarantee that it will go up only!! It can go down also. If the price goes down – you get panicked and book losses.

What is the way out?

It may not be possible to restart child marriages in near future but you can use the fall in the market to buy good stocks at your own terms and conditions.

What Next?

If you need help in making investments – do approach us.
Have a Great Day.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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