Mr.Narendra Modi Will Get Major Challenges or Achievements After 16th Nov.,2014

08 November 2014

Mr.Narendra Modi Will Get Major Challenges or Achievements After 16th Nov.,2014

Greetings from Hitesh! Today is unique combination. Saturday / 8th and I am writing about Mr.Modi – again Number 8!! By the way from 2.30pm today till tomorrow morning we have ROHINI NAKSHTRA – it is AMRUT Siddhi-yog – like GURU PUSHYAMRUT Yog, you can do some donations today. Donations done today – give you great results.

Let me deal with the above subject now. It has some astro facts and astro language. You will have to bear with that.

India :-

India has Saturn transiting in 7th now / RAHU in 5th house / Jupiter in 3rd house. Sun will enter 7th house on 16th Nov. Mars is in 8th house. (This position is written with respect to Taurus ascendant).

Jupiter in 3rd house gives expansion ambitions to the neighbours and you see China and Pakistan are constantly trying to enter India’s border since June 2014.

They were not getting success. But with Saturn in 7th house – they will get hidden ways or through cheating they will try to achieve their goal.
Sun will be in 7th house till 16th Dec. So, the coming month is crucial for India from this perspective.

Mr.Narendra Modi’s Horoscope:-

Saturn is transiting in 2nd house where MARS and Moon are sitting in NATAL chart. RAHU is transiting from 12th house and he is also passing through Moon into RAHU dasha from 1st Jan 2014 to 4th  July 2015, a RAJYOG period which made him the PM.

Due to this he has been focusing on improvement in external relationships since he took over as a PM.

From 16th Nov, Sun will also enter his 2nd house. His communications will become HARSH. He may sound HITLER to his followers. He will require focus on his health and hidden enemies.

What will be outcome?

16th Nov.,2014 to 16th Dec.,2014 will be serious test case for Mr.Modi in dealing with neighbours and internal issues. Same kind of challenges will come in multi fold and bigger magnitude in 2015!!
However, this time, I am 100% sure that he will come out of all the challenges with flying colours as his DASHA is good.

How Much Deep We Go, Before We Invest?

We take following steps.

1. Study the fundamental/technical of the company and industry it belongs.
2.  India’s present and likely future macro picture.
3.  Effectiveness of India’s leader and his time, based on Astro perspective.
4. Factors that can affect Market moves in foreseeable future. We call them as ground realities.

We personalised above findings with your goals/dreams and (if you permit us we combine this with your horoscope also) – and guide you in making money from Market.

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Hitesh Parikh.


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