Learning from Soren Kierkegaard V/s. Rothschild – Must READ.

14 November 2014

Learning from Soren Kierkegaard V/s. Rothschild – Must READ.

Greetings from Hitesh! Thanks a ton for words of appreciations for our post on Learning Trading from JAINS. Most guys have liked and they have appreciated. Many Jain friends who happened to be a non trader – was astonished by our findings about their community and they have resolved to start investing in stocks!! We are happy with the distinction we are making in people’s life. Thanks for providing that opportunity to us.

Today I am taking 2 of the West’s well known personalities and relate them to the success of the investments.

Soren Kierkegaard:-

He was a Danish Philosopher born on 5th May 1813 and died on 11th Nov 1855. Just two days back only his death anniversary went. He has written the most famous book – Either Or. In reality also he was indecisive guy. He could not decide on major issues of his life. Just to share one example.....

He was in love with a girl – to say yes or not he took too much time. The Girl got married to somebody else!! Then one day he went to his lover’s house to tell her that he is unable to decide – whether to marry her or not?? He then came to know that she is already married!!

He used to walk 5 steps on one side, pause and then he will walk 5 steps on the other side. Children used to run after him!! He was the talk of the town for his Either OR Nature!!


He was asked the root of his success. He said – “I never missed an opportunity.” When he was asked what is the secret of this not missing an opportunity? He replied – “I always believed that I would repent doing something rather than not doing something!!”

In short, he did whatever he came across and the result is from 1760 to till date – Rothschild are the billionaire!!

How Small Investors Compare with the above Two?

We have been categorically telling about 35000 Sensex since 2009. Most were acting like SOREN. They were in two minds. When they read my post – they feel they should invest, but when they listen to MEDIA – they walk on their side. Soren Died at early age of 42....small investors also die in one or two years of their investing life!!

What is My Suggestion?

Many times I have said – at the time of your death – you will repent for things you have not done rather than for the things you have done. So just do it. Give investment a chance in your life. Let investment blossom and your generations will never have to work like Rothschild family!!

What Next?

You are already acting like SOREN, why don’t you try being Rothschild for at least 3-5 years of your life. I am not asking Moon from you. Just follow me and see the magic in your life. If you love to become Rothschild....We are open for subscription for 2014 to 2017……do not miss.

Just write to us. We will come back to you.Follow me on

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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh


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