My Kid Lacks Concentration and My Husband Lacks Wealth!! The Eternal Problem of Indian House Wives

16 October 2014

My Kid Lacks Concentration and My Husband Lacks Wealth!!  The Eternal Problem of Indian House Wives

Good Morning Friends! Our blog on Mull’s beautiful wife was a huge success. Thanks for your words of appreciations and likes.  I am sure you would take time to think on the conspiracy of the rich and try to change your ways of investing. Now let me deal with today’s subject.

My Kid Lacks Concentration!!

This is a normal complain you would have come across from a concerned parent, particularly from a mother. Many times teachers would have sent you a note that your child lacks concentrations in class!!  This is a common issue of all the parents in the world.

Concentrations as a Goal!!

Most guys think that if they can develop little more concentration, they can achieve great success in study/career and life. They chase concentrations as a Goal. This is their biggest mistake.

Concentration can never be achieved as a goal. It is always a by product of your interests. Just check – your mind is 100% attentive when you find there is something of your interests. Am I right? So, your goal should be to find out the areas of your genuine interests and pursue them at all cost. You will get the gift of concentrations by default.

Those who have tried to gain concentrations as a goal – have failed miserably in their life – because there is a mismatch between their actual interest and their profession/career/study. Just read and think on this.

The simple way to increase your concentrations is to find out your areas of interest and pursue them wholeheartedly. The other way is to increase the interests in areas you are currently involved.

My Husband Lacks Wealth!!

Most guys goes to the job or business –so they can earn money to meet their ends. They have no particular love for the work they are doing. Their criteria of selection of job/business are based on the amount of money they can get make!!

What happens due to this?

Once again – you can’t pursue wealth as a goal. Wealth in India is known as LAXAMI and she is a wife of Lord Vishnu. End results of pursuing somebody’s wife has always been a misery. It should not be done. In other words – wealth is also a by product of your actions. The concentrations of wealth will happen by the quality of your actions. Let me deal with this.

Quality of your actions is determined by the likings you have for your job/business/profession. More likings will produce better quality and better quality will fetch you more money as a results.
So, the trick is to go for the work you really like to do.

How this impacts your Investment Performance?

Most guys come to the market to make the money and not because they like investment per se!!  If you really like your investments – you will not like to sell at any price. In fact, you have them is the best reward for you!! Just go to Antique collector – every year his collection becomes old by one year – so the prices goes up – but ask him to sell -  very few would be ready to sell you.

Mr.Buffett follows the same principle – he likes his investments and his companies. He is okay with the ups and downs of the market prices as long as he is assured of long term trend of his investments. He is always ready to buy more of those shares he owns if price comes down!!

I have seen 5 cycles of worst Mandis since 1992 and I am still in the market. In fact, when I left the job in 2000 which was paying me Rs.50000 per month – it was difficult for me to earn Rs.5000 per month till September - 2003!! Unless you love what you do – you can’t sustain the bad patches in your business/investments!!

Market rewarded me with two hands – I shifted my residence from Borivali to Vile Parle during 2004-2007!! Even today I have not sold my shares bought since 2004!! I am holding them. It gives me great pleasures when I see them in my list!!

You need 3 to 5 years to complete your degree/master degree exam. Same way you need 3-5 years horizon in your mind to learn the fine art of investments. There is no system of short term diploma courses in Investments. You need to really love it. That’s why we ask our clients to be with us at least for 3 years.  

What Next?

Today is a Guru Pushyamrut Yog + Gaj Keshri Yog + Raj Yog – a rare combinations happening once in a century. Best day for investing. Best day for starting long lasting relationships. Do write to us.

Have a Great Day.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.


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