Blind Man’s Definition of Investment
28 October 2014
Blind Man’s Definition of
Greetings from Hitesh! Today is Labh Pancham – Gyan
Panchami. Traditionally Share market used to reopen today after a Diwali
vacation and people used to do Muhurat Soda. Today I am taking you to the
basics of investments. Yes, we will understand the definition of Investments to
begin the New Year at the right note.
How A Blind Person
There was a blind person by birth and he went to his
friend’s house on the occasion of Diwali. His friend was a so happy to see this
guy and he arranged a party for him.
He asked his wife to prepare all possible sweets and
they set for a dinner. Blind guy was happy to get so much love and affection
from his friend.
Blind guy liked one sweet very much – so he asked what
is this and from what it is made. His friends – a normal guy – said – this is
Basundi and it is made up from Milk!!
Blind had not seen milk in his life so he asked - What
is milk? His friend hurriedly replied – it is white like swan!! (this guy was
blind by birth!)
Now blind got confused – he said – I did not get the
answer of my first question – What is milk? But please explain first what is
His friend’s wife came forward. She said – Swan is one
who has a neck like my hand and she gave her hand in blind’s hand.
Blind felt the hand and he became happy. He said now I
understood what is milk?
Milk is like HAND of your wife. His friend was shocked
by his understanding but he can’t do anything now. Blind person’s logic was
Milk is like Swan and Swan is like your wife’s hand, so Milk is like your
wife’s hand!!
How a Normal Guy
Understand Investments?
For some it is Bank Deposits / for some it is Mutual
Fund / for some it is SIP / for some it is Insurance Policies / for some it is
Land / for some it is Gold and Jewellery / for some it is Shares / for some it
is Antiques / for some it is mixture of all or some of the elements of above.
Many times – normal guy once he does some investments
in the above – he thinks, he is an investor and he knows investments.
But do we really know investments? Let us learn the
same from Mulla Naseeruddin.
Mulla’s way of
Mulla was at the death bed and doctors said he may not
live long. Mulla’s wife was sitting with him and Mulla asked – where is my
elder son? His wife became happy as mulla has never asked about son in his like
time. He was always busy in his work.
His wife said – he is sitting next to him. So, Mulla
asked where is my second son? His wife became happier this time. She said he is
sitting next to elder one. Mulla asked where is my third son? His wife said –
he is sitting near his feet.
Suddenly Mulla got up from the bed and shouted – if
all the three are sitting here – then who is taking care of the shop?
At the time of death also – he was thinking about
Did you understand, what
is investment?
Investment is an attitude. It is a way of life. You do
not have to think about it. It is always there in your mind. It is 24*7*365
days activity. You persistently look out for opportunities and you consistently
strive to gain from them.
Bruce lee had also said….“Empty your mind,
be formless, be shapeless like water. If you put the water into a cup, it
becomes the cup. If you put the water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle. If
you put the water into tea pot, it becomes the tea pot. Now water can flow,
drip or can crash. Be water my friend.”
When you develop above qualities and
approach the investments, you become the investments. You become the market.
You become the profit. You become the loss. You have always seen things in four
dimensions – you / your investments / your profit and your loss. But in reality
YOU and YOUR INVESTMENTS are inseparable!!
Mistake in the Area of Religion:-
Just see in the field of
Religion – you will see that you have been told that GOD is like Krishna/ Ram /
Mahavir / Allah / Christ / Buddha etc., Without seeing ourselves – like a blind
man – we have accepted them as GOD!! Just think from this point of view –
things may become clearer for you.
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