If Money Is Your Problem, It Can’t Be Your Solution!!

Sunday, 19 October 2014

If Money Is Your Problem, It Can’t Be Your Solution!!

Greetings from Hitesh! Today is Ekadashi - 5th last day of Hindu Calendar. Diwali officially begins from today. I wish you a very happy Diwali to you and your family. May Goddess Laxami bless you and your family with abundance of wealth!

Thanks to you all – our blog was number one in Google search yesterday also!! I appreciate your digital love towards learning. Just read about sentence. It looks so simple and yet very few understand the same!! Let me deal with that.

How Money can be a Problem?

Many do not have enough!! Those appear to have enough – feel that they do not have enough!! There are some – who thinks all issues are due to money only and they want to leave the money!! If you see broadly, there are two problems – running after money and running away from money!!

Can you make a Problem as Your Solution?

You have a fever and you take medicine for it. You have malaria and you take medicine for the same. For any disease you take proper medicines, isn’t it? Fever can’t be a medicine for Fever, am I right? Then how come Money can be solution if your problem is money???

Normal Guys and Big Governments have the same Attitude When it comes to money:-

Normal Guys run for money for his life!! Still 90% of them have 10% of the world’s reaches!! There are government who believes and practices that create a bigger problem and small problem will be solved automatically!!

Japan failed in last 25 years / US is trying since 2008/ Europe has also joined them in 2009. The results are more problems – more issues, more tensions and more uncertainties!!

Many small guys follow Government model – they take money from Peter to pay Pole!! This cycle goes and goes and goes.....till he dies!! Many times his next generation has also to pay for it!!

What Happens When You Run After Money?

If you run after money, you will keep on chasing it. When you chase it, you become slave of money! It will make you do many “have to do kind of things”!! Say, I have to go to a Job/ I have to work on Sundays/ I can’t say “No” to my boss or client!!

As long as you are slave – you can’t be happy with your money!! How much ever you have them.

What is the Solution?

In Mumbai – we say – Never run after a Train/Bus or Woman – one goes Other Comes Along!! Same principle applies to money!!

You need to become the Master of your money. Rather than working for your money – let your money work for you!!

You work for 8 to 10 hours a day for about 300 days in a year. You work for 2500 to 3000 hours a day!! You take sick leave/ privilege leave/ family function leave and festival leave. But when money works for you – it works for you 24 hours a day/365 days in a year. It works for about 8700 hours. 3 times faster than you!

What you achieve in 30 years – money can help you do the same in 10 years.

How to Make Money work for you?

Investment is the most simple and easiest way. Investments helps you in two ways – you save taxes on your long term gains in India – so you save 30% to start with – and it multiplies your money at faster rate than normal Fixed deposit kind of savings.

What’s more – you see your money working for you like a Slave....this is the biggest pleasure of life. If you make your money work for you – you can go on Holiday for life!!

Incidentally, today is Sunday!! How about having all days – Sundays? Have a Great First Sunday Today.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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