Lord Krishna’s Birth and Market Movement – Always Go Together.

March 8, 2014

Lord Krishna’s Birth and Market Movement – Always Go Together.

Greetings from Hitesh! Market has made an all time high today and all are happy. After a long time media guys will have something real to write about. If you have followed us and invested, I am sure you must be making good money. Now, let me deal with today’s topic.

Why Lord Krishna Was Born?

Many times I come across casual questions….Why Lord Krishna Was Born? Why Sun rises? Why River flows? Why Rose blossoms? You can add many such questions.

Many of you might have tried answering these questions. My simple understanding is that Lord Krishna came to this world for his own MASTI. Same way Sun rises, River flows and Flower Blossoms for their own MASTI. They are not there for you and me. But if we can take advantage or benefit by their being…..they have no problem!!

If you are still not convinced, let us take a simple example….Say, you are going for a morning walk and you see other guy is also waking on the track. He slips on the track and you lift him. That guy will thank you and will be grateful to you. He may gift you something the next day. He may tell others that you are a nice guy!!

But if I ask you…..Did you go to help him? Did you help him for gift or fame of a nice guy? What would be your answer?  You would say I went for my walk. Just because he slipped in front of me, I helped him. Lord Krishna’s birth is also as simple as your case.

But, when I hear PREACHERS (Self Proclaimed SAINTS) on Religious channels giving reasons for HIS birth, I remember our Media Analysts on Business channels. Like these Self Made SAINTS….they are Self Made Market Experts! They talk about reasons for Market Movements on daily basis. 

Why Market Moves Up and Down?

Market moves out of its mood…..it has nothing to do with you.  It does not know you. It does not care for you. It has nothing to do with your profit and loss. It is a collective intelligence. You can not dictate your terms with it.

You may benefit from it, if you just make yourself available to the market.

How Normal People Approach the God and the Markets?

Over the period, we have become egoistic and utilitarian. We think everything is for us. Lord Krishna must have come for us. If we are not here, SUN / Rivers / Flowers / Markets would have nothing to do!!

My Personal Call:-

There is a direct relationship between Wrong Questions, Wrong Answers, Wrong Actions and LOSSES.

We believe and follow a simple strategy to make our self available to the market. Rest markets will take care.

If you want to know, how to make yourself available to the market, do contact us.

Have a Fantastic Weekend.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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