Can You Imagine A Life Without Bhel Puri?(Particularly In Mumbai).

Thursday, March 06, 2014

Can You Imagine A Life Without Bhel Puri?(Particularly In Mumbai).

Greetings from Hitesh! Markets world over are getting normal after Mr.Putin has asked Armed forces to pull out from Ukraine. Now, let me deal with the captioned subject.

Bhel Puri:-

Bhel Puri is famous chaat in Mumbai. In fact, it is liked by all and sundry across the India. However, it has special importance to Mumbai People. Whether it is Rakesh Jhunjhunwala or Mukesh Ambani, it is said that they also have their own passion for Bhel Puri and it is their favorite evening snack. In short, Chowpati to Churchgate and Fountain to Five Star Hotel….the common snack is Bhel Puri.

Secret of Bhel Puri:-

It is a mixture of many things. But the prominent thing in it is Chatnis – Teekha and Meetha. When both of these chatnis have proper tastes and they are mixed in particular proportions in Bhel Puri, Bhel Puri becomes the most tempting thing you can have on the earth!!

Let me stop here and ask you some questions.

1.      Will you enjoy your Bhel Puri, if only Teekha chatni is added?
2.      Will you enjoy your Bhel Puri, if only Meetha chatni is added?
3.      Will you enjoy your Bhel Puri, if No chatni is added?

The obvious answers to all the questions would be NO.

Your life and Market investments are also like a Bhel Puri and your challenge would be to make a proper mixture yourself!! You can not have it ready made like Bhel Puri.

If your Investments and Life are not giving you the tastes you want…..rather then blaming Bhaiya (God/Market/luck/ Circumstances) learn the art of mixing.

My Personal Call:-

Life exists only because two opposite forces are working simultaneously…..Joy and Sorrow, Profit and Loss and many more combinations you can add.

The day you start thinking beyond Profit and Loss, you will invest in a different way. Warren Buffett has mastered this way of thinking. You can make your own choice.

Have a Great Thursday.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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