Is Narendra Modi Lehar Moving Up The Market? What is Reality?

March 10, 2014

Is Narendra Modi Lehar Moving Up The Market? What is Reality?

Greetings from Hitesh! Media is out with its verdict on Market. According to them, market is moving up due to Narendra Modi Lehar in the country. What is Reality?

Market Movement:-

As discussed last week, Market moves because of its own Masti. Market has never told to anybody that why it is moving up. It is an interpretation by Media. For me it is enough that market is moving up.

For me, market is collective intelligence….when it shifts to Greed, it moves up and when it shifts to Fear, it moves down. It has nothing to do with the Present realities. It always lives in Future.

Present Reality is that Election is yet to take place. Results are yet to come out. Mr. Modi is yet to become majority Prime Minister.

But market is discounting the future. It is acting as if Mr.Modi has won with Majority support and he has transformed India, the way he did it in Gujarat!!

Our Past Report on Narendar Modi:-

In November, we had written Effectiveness of Mr.Narendra Modi As A PM & Our Investment Strategy. 

In this also we had asked to buy at that time and sell before results are out. Had you followed us, you would be blessing us today.

In December, we had written Will Mr.Narendra Modi Be The Next Prime Minister? What His Stars Foretells? 

While his stars are supporting….we still do not know against whom he is fighting the election!!

My Personal Call:-

For me market going up is more than enough. I am going with the flow. I had invited you to join me yesterday with an excellent opportunity.

You Can Make 100% in coming 15 days. Are You Ready?

Take Action NOW.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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