Make Tons of Money in Investments Using Intelligence and Trust

March 13, 2014

Make Tons of Money in Investments Using Intelligence and Trust

Greetings from Hitesh! While looking at the most important factors of success in investments, I can think of mainly two factors – Intelligence and Trust.


Intelligence means you will start thinking on your own; you will start looking around on your own. You will not believe in what you hear or what you read; you will believe only in your own experience.


If you want to learn anything, learn trust - nothing else is needed. If you are miserable, nothing else will help - learn trust. If you don't feel any meaning in life and you feel meaningless, nothing will help - learn trust. Trust gives meaning because trust makes you capable of allowing the whole descend upon you.

How Combination of Two Works?

If you combine the two….Intelligence says do not trust till you experience and Trust says…you can take experience only by trusting somebody, may be you, may be your intelligence, may be your guts, may be Media.

So, more you trust, more you experience and more you experience more intelligent you become.

But, Gratitude is Beyond Intelligence and Trust:-

In my journey of over 20 years in Market, I have experienced market in all possible ways – good - bad, bitter - sweet, dark - light, summer – winter, profit - loss.

Today I am full with feelings of Gratitude towards Market….had he not given me above experiences; I would not have been what I am today.

When you feel gratitude towards market, you will not be there!! You have totally surrendered. Feeling of gratitude will over power your trust and intelligence. You will operate from FAITH in the Market. Whatever is the best for me, Market will give me!!

My Personal Call:-

I do not know from which paradigm you operate. It can be Intelligence / Trust / Gratitude or Faith. At this juncture all are pointing towards INVESTMENTS only. Just invest.

If you wish, you can take advantage of our experiences while investing.

To make things easy for you…..we have launched a special scheme. You can read the same by clicking on the link.

You Can Make 100% in coming 15 days. Are You Ready?

Take advantage of it before 25th March.

Have a Great Day.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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