Why all your Extra-ordinary investment strategies are Very Ordinary without knowing one factor?

 3rd January 2023

Why all your Extra-ordinary investment strategies are Very Ordinary without knowing one factor?

Dear Fellow Investors,

Namaste! Thanks a ton to all the new members for taking advantage of our year end offer and joining us. If you are still waiting to join us – I would recommend to approach us fast. The one thing I have observed is the demand of some exclusive TIPs or Extra-Ordinary investment strategy from a normal investors which can make tons of money easily for the normal investors. They are ready to pay millions for such strategy. Let us deal with the same.

Let us start with CLOTHES and JEWELLERY: -

Marriage season is going on and many of you must be going for shopping for their clothes and jewelry. The one of the most often heard dialogue from the SALESMAN will be that the SARI or DRESS MATERIAL is only one PIECE. You will not get the same colour and combination anywhere except his shop. Same goes for some of the Jewelry Designs. They will claim that they are exclusive.

The hidden advantage to the shop keeper is a high making charges or high prices for the dress or sari. They make tons of money and the customer is also very happy that he has bought something which nobody is having!!

In the luxury market – they use this strategy by producing limited edition PENS / WATCHES etc. The SALESMAN will tell you that only 100 pieces or 10 pieces of particular watch are available WORLD WIDE and you will be the CHOSEN ONE who would be OWNING the same.


Look at yourself. Have you found anybody like you in this world apart from you? Even TWINS are not the same. They have lot of dis-similarities. You are UNIQUE by BIRTH. Have you paid attentions to your uniqueness ever?

Thanks to the SCHOOLS and COMPETITIONS – a child is asked to become like somebody else.

You are unique and the society is making you ordinary. Once you are systematically brain washed that you are ORDINARY – they want you to become EXTRAORDINARY by way or TOP GRADES / TOP INCOME / LUXURY CARS and BLAH BLAH. Sheer waste of your uniqueness.

How this is applicable in the field of investing?

There SALESMEN in this line also. They will give you some or the other ESOTERIC investment strategy in the form of DERIVATIVES / Equities / Mutual Funds / Fund of Fund / Alternative Funds / SIP / ETF and Blah, blah.

All so called exclusive strategy becomes ordinary at the end as all are doing the same in one or the other way.

The way to invest EXTRAORDINARY way starts when you do ORDINARY investing.


The ordinary investor will study the company and decide the fair price to buy the same. He will wait for the same and start buying once it comes in his range. When he buys he will be sure about the market trend of the company. Mostly he will buy at the lower end of the market situations.

Buffet did the above ORDINARY investing – buy and hold and he is the richest investor in the world since so many years.

I really laugh when somebody talks about CALL and PUT strategy. He is asking you to play in both in various ways/proportions. The hidden truth is that the guy giving this strategy is not KNOWING the MARKET TREND. So, he is giving you both the ways strategy. The end results is – the client may or may not make money – the brokerage company will surely make money!! This way big money can’t be made.

You must know the MARKET TREND beforehand. But if you have missed such an ordinary steps of predicting the market trend first hand – all your esoteric strategy will go for a toss.

What JESUS had said?

In my God's kingdom only those who are CHILDLIKE will be allowed.

You may be PHD / DR / ENGINEER / CA or MBA, you may be PM or billionaire but you will not be allowed in God's King-dome till you become ORDINARY like a CHILD.

So, whether you want to make tons of money or want to go to HEAVEN – become ORDINARY.

What NEXT?

If you want accurate guidance on Market Trend or Personal Destiny – do approach us.

Wish you all a very happy 2023.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.


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