Saturn changed the Sign to Aquarius but it’s still in Dhanista Nakshtra. What it means?

 21st January 2023

Saturn changed the Sign to Aquarius but it’s still in Dhanista Nakshtra. What it means?

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! I am sure many of you would have gone through tons of YouTube channels or Facebook or Instagram to understand the effects of Saturn in Aquarius. I am also sure they would have talked about the general effects of the Saturn changes on your Sign/ on the World and on the India. This is very general.

The missing link in those predictions and uniqueness of Hitesh Parikh: -

In the early part of January 2023, we dealt with the Numerology predictions of 2023. Everybody talked about the 2023 as a total number and gave their calls. We took 2 more steps and we had seen the coming year as 23 and as number 3. So, we did the detailed analysis of 2023 as per the numerology. We also said that there are 3 more steps to do the minute analysis, if somebody wants.

The same way Saturn is changing the sing is a FACT. It was in Dhanista Nakshtra in Makar Rashi. Now it is entering into Dhanista Nakshtra of Kumbha Rashi.

Say you were doing WFH and company asked you to come to the office now. Your place of work changed but you are still working for the same company. The same way Saturn is in the same Nakshtra as it was in the last 6 months to a year.

What are the events which happened in the last 6 months to 1 year?

War / Natural Calamities / Accidents have happened. Interest rates have gone up. Inflation had gone up. Market has gone up. Gold, silver and metal prices have gone up. There was good sales in Real Estate. Energy crises was felt in many parts of the World.

All of the above events continue till 16/17th March 2023 when the Saturn is changing to Satbhisha Nakshtra. Saturn will again enter Dhanista Nakshtra around August – October when it turn retrograde in June 2023 in Kumbha Rashi.

You can say that the period from 17th January 2023 to 17th March 2023 will be a kind of warm up period of Saturn to get activated in Kumbha rashi. Till this period gets over – we will not be able to witness the real Kumbha Saturn effect on your individual chart / country chart or world chart.

If we look at very broad picture Saturn will remain approx. 6 months in Dhanista nakshtra in 2023 and 6 months in Satbhisha Nakshtra.

So, the effects of Dhanista Saturn will be felt overall for full year in 2023 also.

What will be Saturn effect in 2023 to till March 2025?

There will be 5 areas where the effects will be visible.

1.   Focus on New Technology. ChatGPT / AI / ML / Crypto will be the new normal in the coming time. US Justice department took action against CRYPTO Scamsters on Wednesday is a point to be noted. Top people want Crypto to sustain. Thanks to above….

2.   Drastic Changes in Skill sets requirements of Human resources for jobs and normal life. Thanks to above….

3.   There will be a shift in the Labour and industry power centers. (TESLA Chief became the first person to lose USD 200 Billion!! What a change?). When labour and power center changes….

4.   Change in a definition of prosperity and lifestyles.

5.   Increased use of Analytics and data science.

The above changes will take partial effects only in 2023 due to Saturn transit into Dhanista for about 6 months. So, the people expecting drastic changes in the above areas will have to wait. If we look at the other side of the coin – you still have one more year to adjust to the new normal. Those who don’t change now – will have difficult time in the future.

How to use the above finer points for your success in coming time?

The above changes are coming and nobody can stop the same. It’s just that you are getting one more year to adjust thanks to the partial transit of Saturn in the same Nakshatra.

To make the above changes in your life – take inputs from a learned astrologer on your horoscope and adjust to the new normal.

What NEXT?

If you want ACCURATE predictions – you will have to dig deeper than the normal masses in your area of work or investments or your chart. If you are not ready to take that pain – you will have general ideas and general ideas will not be useful for your particular issues / questions or achievement of your goals.

If you want accurate advice – you can contact us.

Wish you all a very happy 2023.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.


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