Shani Kumbha Sankranti Horoscope effect on Market & Macro level

 9th January 2023

Shani Kumbha Sankranti Horoscope effect on Market & Macro level

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste! Shani – the most followed planet is entering into Kumbha Rashi – Aquarius Sign on 17th January 2023 at 5.48pm Mumbai time. It will be there till 29th March 2025. This is one of the most important transits and it will have far reaching impact on Market and Macro events without fail.

Let us see the HOROSCOPE of above timings: -

Mithun Lagna is rising in Punar Vasu Nakshtra & Mercury in 7th house Retrograde.

Mercury is known for Business / Trade / Communications and Intelligence. It is RETROGRADE in 7th house of Jupiter. Lord of Punar Vasu is also Jupiter. The simple meaning of this is - Tons of changes will happen at all the levels and those who are fast in adopting the new situations will grow like anything.

There is co-incidence this time – in Diwali New Year Horoscope – Lagna Lord Jupiter was retrograde. In Makar Sankranti Horoscope Lagna lord Sun was in 6th house in Enemy Camp. Now, Lagna lord is retrograde in Shani Kumbha entry horoscope.

The simple meaning of the same is the LAGNA LORD – NORMAL PEOPLE - will use the wrong interpretation of the situations and miss the once in a lifetime money making opportunities.

However, Shani the lord of 9th house is entering into 9th house. It means tons of opportunities will be there for coming 27 months. Jupiter in 10th house also indicate new business openings and changes in the current business models.

How was the market during SHANI in KUMBHA RASHI in the past 100 years?

Shani Transit since 1900: -

1.   4/2/1905 to 19/4/1907: - There was one side teji till 1906.

2.   15/03/1934 to 27/02/1937: - One side teji till 1936.

3.   27/01/1964 to 08/04/1966: - One side teji till 1965.

4.   5/03/1993 to 1/06/1995: - One side teji in all the period.

5.   17/01/2023 to 29/03/2025: -I expect the similar trend going forward.

Now, SHANI transit can’t be manipulated like Balance Sheet Figures and share prices. No amount of MEDIA power can do anything to the SHANI TRANSIT. So, the last 100 years trends are more reliable than any other methods.

It means MARKET will be in TEJI.  

How to avoid the negative effects on your money during this time?

The media and crooked intelligence top people \will take the normal people for a ride as per the above horoscope. The big and influential people will make tons of money on the back side of the so-called negative news.

If you want to avoid the mistakes of missing the opportunities – use the King Janak’s strategy discussed in yesterday’s blog.

How will be the overall Macro Scenario?

This is going to be one of the fastest changing periods in the 21st century. Fast changes will happen at all the levels. Speed will dominate the success. Those who take the support of technology along with the skill sets – will have an edge over the people who are not using the technology and skill sets in any area.

This period will start the far-reaching changes. Pay attention to the small and not so important announcements from the governments. It will have far reaching impacts on your life.

Direction wise South – Southwest / West and Southeast directions will see the maximum events. It means those VASTU which are affected negatively in the above directions will face negative events for sure.

What NEXT?

Whether you follow the last 100 years track record or not - one thing is very sure - Market will be full of opportunities. Tons of money will be made by people who use the above information

Shani has long lasting effects. Take inputs of a learned astrologer on your horoscope and Vastu and take your life to the next level at the fastest speed. 

Wish you all a very happy 2023.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.


Hitesh Parikh.



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