What are the ROLE and RESPONSIBILITIES of KARTA as per Gita?
16th August 2022
What are the ROLE and RESPONSIBILITIES of KARTA as per
Fellow Travellers,
Tons of SHRADHANJALI are pouring in on Big Bull’s demise. The wish of HIS Friends,
Fans, and Family was only one – He should have focused on Health. Lord
Krishna knew the problems humans at large are going to face. So, he gave categorical
guidance on the Role and Responsibilities of the KARTA. Understand the same and
follow it – you will have Health / Wealth and Happiness in your life without fail.
Let Lord Krishna take over now: -
1. Your right is in doing KARMA and not in the Results (Gita Chapter 2. Slok 47).
This is the most famous and often used slok in conversations. There is an increase in the cases of depression, frustration, and increased violence around us. The major reason is EXPECTATIONS not fulfilled. If you follow what Krishna says – you can save yourself from the negative results of your success and failures.
2. If you are satisfied in yourself – no KARMA will affect you (Gita Chapter 3. Slok 17)
When you are happy within to start with – you will end up with happiness without fail. The KARMA done out of happiness will not lead to KARMA BONDAGE, because you have no expectations to start with.
3. Offer all your KARMA to Me (Gita Chapter 3. Slok 30).
This is a very intelligent suggestion. Do all your karma for GOD or Existence. And when existence becomes happy with you – it will reward you. In this way, you are not inviting the KARMA RESULTS.
4. Go Beyond Duality of Mind (Gita Chapter 4. Slok 22).
Normal person is doing KARMA with Greed and Fear, Appreciations and Insults, Win and Lose. This duality becomes the cause of the below-average performance as the mind is always stuck with the above thoughts.
That’s why Krishna said – Just do it.
5. Be SHRADHAWAN – Do with FAITH (Gita Chapter 4. Slok 39).
It is said that a person with Faith gets Knowledge. So, faith is the main thing. Once you have faith – all your focus
goes in doing your KARMA in the best possible way. When you do the KARMA in the
best possible way – you emerge as a winner in the end.
are lot many other suggestions in CHAPTER 2 when He talked about the STHIR
The ultimate meaning is Just Do It. No string
attached / No expectations attached. You are being watched. You will be rewarded
at the proper time and not as per your time.
How to use them in the MARKET?
you keep the above in your Mind and remember it daily – you will not have to do Karma
or Investments. It will happen on its own. The market will talk to you. It will
reveal the hidden secret itself to you and you will be successful with
am enjoying the above results thanks to My GURU and Lord Krishna.
yourself sincerely and you will also enjoy the same results without fail.
you want personalised inputs on your journey to the TOP, you can approach us.
me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp
- +91-9869425399.
Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion & Invest
with Reason.
Hitesh Parikh.
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