The mindset of Bhima will lead to Success. Arjuna's Failure. Surprised?

 27th August 2022

The mindset of Bhima will lead to Success. Arjuna's Failure. Surprised?

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste! As expected, most investors did not follow our call on the market given in May and June. They were thinking – discussing with like-minded people – watching Media but not investing. They always talk about investing only when the market is moved up or they talk about selling their shares only when the market is at the bottom. They are like ARJUNA in MHABHARAT.

SECRETS of the ARJUNA and NORMAL people’s FAILURE: -

1.   Before the war started, he went to each and every corner of India at that time to tie up with the kings. He knew WAR is the only solution and he planned for the same. FACT: - More Kings joined DURYODHANA without any efforts from him.

2.   He went to INDRA and SHIVA to acquire the latest technology of his time. FACT: - He did not use any of the same in the WAR.

3.   When the WAR was about to start, he did a lengthy and intellectually stimulating talk with Krishna. He promised Krishna that he understood everything and that now he will fight the WAR.


FACT: - Look at his performance in MAHABHARAT after this PROMISE.


1.   All 100 KAURVA Brothers were killed by Bhima alone!! He never asked any questions. Just Did it.

2.  Guru DHRON was killed by DHRISTADHUME.

3.  BHISHMA was killed by SHIKANDI

4.  KARNA & JAYDRATHA were killed by ARJUN that too with a lot of HELP from KRISHNA

So, he did not kill any of his RELATIVES and FRIENDS. Normal people have made ARJUN the HERO because they also want to avoid taking HARSH and DEDICATED ACTIONS.

Usual ARJUN Minded people have the following dialogues: -

1.   Let me think.

2.   Can you explain this to my wife or my colleague also? So, we can discuss and take the decisions.

3.   I will come back to you.

4.   I really want to follow your advice – but I don’t have the budget at this moment.

5.   I don’t know how to use mobile technology or modern technology. I am an old-school fellow

6.   My parents or society will not like if I do this or do that.

7.   You may be right but how come MEDIA guys or EXPERTS are not talking about it?

You can add N number of other reasons in the above list.

If you have been giving the above kind of dialogue to yourself or to the other person – believe me, you are suffering from ARJUN syndrome.

What is BHIMA’s Secret?

1.   Bhima didn’t know much about fighting except GADA YUDHA. But he had taken the proper training for the same. He had done his specialization and he stick to it. 

2.   He didn’t care about his social image while eating or while fighting. He was always FOCUSED.

3.   He didn’t waste his time in discussions or things like that. He just took out his GADA and went to fight. He killed each and everybody who came on his way without thinking. As a Fighter - He had a ROLE CLARITY.

4.   He was ready to RISK his LIFE / his image and everything he had while fighting.

Why Yudhishthira was the king and Bhima the Commander in chief in PANDAV management?

Arjuna's kind of behaviour will never lead you to the TOP. Just see in spite of the SILLIEST mistakes YUDHISTHIR became the king because he did what he SAID!! He didn’t change his mind after saying.

Bhima was the next important guy in this PANDAV MANAGEMENT. BHIM always believed in DOING. His way of gaining KNOWLEDGE was from DOING.

In fact, if you go by the GEETA first chapter 1 – slok 8 – DURYODHAN said that the PANDAV group is MARSHALLED by BHIM. So, the opposite camp also knew who is the real WARRIOR in the PANDAV group. Just see DURYODHAN was proved 100% right in his reading about BHIM!! Bhima only killed all the Kaurva brothers.

Knowledge, which comes from DOING, is the REAL KNOWLEDGE.

Those who are sitting on the FENCE like ARJUNA and discussing will end their life on FENCE only. Arjuna couldn’t save his FRIEND / MENTOR Krishna’s wives while he was bringing them from DWARKA. He was a failure in the WAR and after the WAR also. 

Are you surprised by the above facts?

Most people are under the impression that Arjuna was the HERO. But the facts are in front of you. Just because Krishna discussed GITA with Arjuna – people assumed he must be the most important person in the PANDAVA group. If you also believed that ARJUNA was HERO, did you take the pain to go deeper into MAHABHARATA and find out the TRUTH?

In the field of Investments also – the real hero is EQUITY. But since the masses are LAZY – the other options look more charming like ARJUNA.

They live a life of the middle class and die as a normal middle class.

What NEXT?

DOING only leads to KNOWLEDGE and SUCCESS. All your discussion, PowerPoint presentations and let me think kind of attitude will lead to FAILURE. Know your ROLE first and take all the actions to make it super hit.

Do you remember GABBAR and MOGAMBO in SHOLAY and MR. INDIA? They became real heroes in the movie because they did their ROLE with BHIMA’s Mindset.

As an investor – your role is to buy when the market is down and sell when the market is up. It’s simple.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.




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