People have Respect for Modi Ji but they Love Kejriwal. Why?

 31st August 2022

People have Respect for Modi Ji but they Love Kejriwal. Why?

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste! 2 days back we shared our old prediction on Kejriwal written in January 2021. When it was written – nobody was ready to accept that this guy can come up with so much and will become a challenge to MODI JI. But we are on dot. Our old readers know - Accuracy is our Speciality.

Many readers have got panicked and upset with Kejriwal gaining momentum. They are worried for India / they are worried for Indian economic securities / some are worried for Hinduism and things like that. Most people are not happy with Kejriwal’s progress due to the above kinds of reasons.

Kejriwal's model is NATURALLY ALIGNED with the Indian Masses.

Indian masses have been taken for a ride by various politicians and kings in the past. They deep down believe that Politicians and Kings are only interested in their own growth and the growth of their friendly industrialists. Normal Masses have not got something for their generations. When they get free electricity/water or travel by bus or metro – they are getting some CONCRETE BENEFIT and that too instantly. They don’t have to wait for some 5 years plan or some 5trn economy dreams to be happy NOW.

If his MODEL is BAD, as most of the readers think – the MASSES in DELHI and PUNJAB are not fools. They should have said – we don’t want FREE. We will pay. Has anybody who is getting FREE – has opposed or shown some opposition? Today AAP is doing the same model in GUJRAT. GUJRAT is a MODI’s hometown – how many people are ready not to accept something FREE that AAP is promising them to provide? Only time will tell.

If you are blaming them for accepting FREE – look at your investment behaviour?

1.   What is the % of FD / FIXED income generating instruments in your Investment Allocation? Most have 70% in FD / Insurance / Real estate kind of investments.

20% goes to MUTUAL FUNDS and SIP kinds of things. Less than 10% goes to Shares. Out of the total 100% - 2% are Pure Value investors or 20% of the last 10%.

You have created this portfolio because – you like SURETY / GUARANTEE and SECURITY. Don’t you KNOW you can generate good returns in Direct Equity? Most know that SENSEX has generated a 16-17% CAGR return in the last 40 years compared to 7% of FD and 10% of Mutual Funds. We also know that Equity has created the MIRACLES like RAKESH in front of our eyes. Still, you are not ready to invest in DIRECT EQUITY?

Your generations have remained in MIDDLE CLASS due to the above kind of investments and Job doing mentality. An MBA feels very happy if he gets campus placements rather than starting his own business after the study. A normal person selects Immediate Guaranteed Benefit compared to TRIAL and ERROR of Direct Equity.

Kejriwal is giving what people want. So, naturally, people will love him.

What is MODI JI doing?

Modi Ji is a long-term Value Investor. He has got some old portfolios created in the last 70 years and he has just started reshuffling the same. He is doing TRIAL and ERROR as the MESS is too much. He can’t afford to give any sure-shot returns or promise of outperforming the PER CAPITA INCOME compared to USA PER CAPITA INCOME or Retirement benefits like USA citizen.

He is doing something which is REAL and PAINFUL. He is doing in reality what our HEROS in Hindi films do - fighting 20-30 goons at a single hand. Success will come his way and that will be a long-lasting success for sure. But the MIDDLE CLASS who have lived in HAVE NOT for the generations – are not ready to wait.

If people loved MODI JI – his CLEAN INDIA INITIATIVES – NOT BANDI – GST compliance would have been successful. Today also I see very few people are mindful about throwing out their garbage. Every other day we are getting news about some or the other GST non-compliance.

Modi Ji is a HARD-CORE Value investor. His doing the right things from day one. There is a lot of focus on the PROCESS and not on the RESULTS. The middle class is hardly worried about the process. They want RESULTS and that too instant.

So, people have RESPECT for MODI Ji but given a choice they will choose KEJRIWAL because they love the instant benefits he is giving.

What is my personal experience in the field of Investing and Astrology?

Way back in 1996 – I started my FEE-based model for Equity and Astrology. Over the period of time, my ACCURACY has gone to the top. All my blogs are proof of my accuracy in the area of Investments and Personal Destiny Management.

In 1996 – 3 people used to join me out of 10 after a lot of persuasion. They knew it – my advice is ACCURATE and they can immensely benefit from the same. But they always choose the FREE TIPS over paid advice. In 2022 – the ratio is the same. Today they have CNBC / GOOGLE and tons of FREE options. My fees were PEANUTS in 1996 and today also it is PEANUTS when they compare with the money they can make. Still, the ratio is the same.

I have immense respect from my readers for my accuracy and process-driven thought process like Modi Ji. But when they have to invest or want guidance on personal issues – they prefer FREE over my FEE-based MODEL.

Kejriwal is an expert in knowing the GROUND REALITIES of Indian Mentality. He is following the same FREE model which everybody likes. He is so aligned with the MASS MENTALITY – that it will be difficult for MODI JI to fight with him.

What NEXT?

Your decision today will decide your destiny tomorrow.

If you love MODI JI instead of KEJRIWAL – India’s destiny will change for BETTER and our generations will bless us for choosing the right LEADER.

If you love Hitesh Parikh instead of FREE ADVICE Manipulators – your personal destiny will change for BETTER and your generations will bless you for choosing the right Personal Destiny Manager.

Do you want your generations to bless you? Decide now.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.


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