What Warren Buffett Knows about the Human Biological Clock – that most Rookie Traders Misses?

 17th February 2022

What Warren Buffett Knows about the Human Biological Clock – that most Rookie Traders Misses?

Dear Fellow Investors,

Namaste! Putin and Biden Drama continues and they are affecting the market as told. This is part of the bigger SCAM but no legal authority can punish them. The fun of being at the power. Today’s post is about you and me. It’s about our biological clock. 

Can you tell when you became Teenager / Young/ Middle-Aged and Old? 

You may be 20 years old or you may be 80 years old reading this post. Can you tell with utmost surety when you became Teenager / Young / Middle-aged or old? It is not possible for anybody to define the point of change. There is something in all of us that keeps us the same from within. We don’t change in spite of changes in age. Have you seen parents telling their teenagers that now they are not kids anymore? They should behave properly. Have you seen the adults telling their parents that they are old now? Just see your old PHOTO and you will be surprised that you were looking like that 10-15 years back. The biological clock keeps us the same from within while our body may be changing from outside. 

How this clock affects our psychology? 

If you give a choice to hard-core criminals to choose between life imprisonment V/s. Hanging – he will choose life imprisonment. As mentioned – we are accustomed to suffering slowly as per our biological clock. We are not accustomed to suffering shoot at sight kind of death. 

Look at the movie – Drishyam -2, the hero who saved the daughter from the murder keeps on suffering long after the death of the boy. He has to do a lot of manipulation to save the daughter 2nd time also. In the process, the family was living under fear for 6 years after the incident was over. The easiest thing was to surrender to the law and suffer one time. But they choose the natural way to suffer slowly. 

All normal people will go for slow death compared to sudden death.

How does this impact the investments?

When our body is designed for a slow death – slow progress – we can’t go for big and massive trading bets, intuitively. Those who try to trade big out of GREED, they come back to the ZERO or MINUS due to fear very fast. Something which is very FAST is not suitable to our BODY. 

Have you seen we get the THRILL in the MERRY GO ROUND or FAST DRIVING? Since our body is not supporting the FAST – when we get something FAST – we get thrilled momentarily. But when that THRILL comes into the investing – it becomes the cause of losses. 

Buffett’s wisdom is par excellence. He is the Maha-Guru. He has not wasted his time in trading short-term stocks. He has not taken loans to buy shares and grow up faster. He has stuck to long-term investing without worrying about the market and so-called smart traders and trading software. He can buy the best of the ALOGO SOFTWARE companies at the speed of the thought, but he has not. 

At 91 also he is healthy and investing and running the empire. He knows the secret of the biological clock. 

What NEXT? 

Knowing yourself is the best knowledge. Know your body / Mind and Deep-down inner intentions. All your progress will be the sum total of these three factors. 

You can take our help in Investing if you wish. You can also take the help of astrology in dealing with your DESTINY or knowing yourself in some more detail. 

Have a great investing.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion & Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.





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