World over the Government is running PONZY SCHEME. Protect your WEALTH, if you can.

 3rd February 2022

World over the Government is running PONZY SCHEME. Protect your WEALTH, if you can.

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste! Our post - What NEXT for Investors after Budget? was well-received by all progressive-minded people. They really like our suggestions to focus on their grass root areas. Today I am going to share a very serious matter which is important to all the investors in the World.

What is PONZY Scheme?

We all have heard about Mr. Charles Ponzy. We know him by PONZY only. Exactly 100 years back he was running his famous scheme. The scheme was simple – pay to old investors from the money he received from the new investors. As long as this cycle goes on – everything is fine and good. All are geniuses for earning money under the above scenario. But when the cycle stops – all the investors who entered the last and the early greedy investors who invested their profits – lost their home. Many committed suicides also.

What is the Scenario with India?

As per the current budget, RUPEE comes and RUPEE goes chart is given. 


As per above,  we are getting 0.35 paisa from Borrowing and other liabilities. We are paying .20 paisa as interest payments. Go back in the past by 20 years and you will find these two figures are prominent in the government budget. If you net off the above for this year – the net money that remains with the government is 0.15 paisa. From this 0.15 paisa – the government has to pay next year's interest on .35 paisa borrowed this year plus past year’s interest of 0.20 paisa plus generate the capital to pay back the loan. Do you think this is possible? This is not India’s position alone. These are the World Wide positions for DEFICIT financing and Corruption.

The USA has also touched USD 30 Trillion debt. Approx USD 1 lakh per citizen. Pathetic situations there also.  

So, the game of PROMISE and DEVELOPMENT has to continue to keep fooling the masses.

How it is affecting your WEALTH?

Inflation is the easiest way to show the increase in wealth. They are fuelling inflation at all levels. This can’t continue forever. Someday the END will come as it will be a very BAD DAY. The end has begun in the last 10 years with the CRYPTO inventions.

The Cryptos are the inventions to deal with the Deficit by creating a new currency. The top guys who had cash – had invested tons of money in the last 10 years. Yesterday there was news that BIG B invested some Rs.1.6 Crs in CRYPTOS and it became Rs.112 Crs. Now, as an individual – he has no problem with the inflation of 100% also as he has made 5000% return on his investments. If he pays 30% tax then also, he is making a 3500% return. He will be happy to pay.

To make life easy for the TOP guys – they introduced the TAXATION and made it legalise as an asset class. But as mentioned above – they all will be happy to pay the tax since their returns are mind-blowing.

Now, the government is coming out with its OWN CRYPTO.

Today – if you have the cash – you only know. But thanks to the digital currency – all your money will be known by the top guys. Slowly and gradually, all physical currency will be removed from the market. Today they are removing Rs.2000 notes from the banks. In the future, they may keep Rs.100 and below currency for petty transactions. People will be forced to use digital currency and the game will be in their control.

See how the normal persons are taken for a ride.

1.   With PAN card – they know all your transactions above Rs.2 lakhs.

2.   With ADHAAR CARD liking they know all about you and your assets.

3.   Whatever little independence you had below Rs.2 lakhs – they will also know with the digital currencies.

4.   Today also they are tracking UPI payments.

5.   They force you to take VACCINES and follow other protocols.

A person who is in DEBT and CAN’T pay – will try every trick in the books to avoid paying the money or looting others and paying the lenders. This is the scenario worldwide. All the Governments are doing the same and the Indian government is not an exception to it.  

What are BUFFETT and other smart investors doing?

He has done two investments. He is doing investments in well-run consumptions companies and he has kept his cash of USD 141 Billion in the US government securities. He personally may not be investing in Cryptos but his cash-rich corporation will park their surplus into cryptos in line with other USA corporations. In fact, they will have to accept the CRYPTOS as the payment for the goods sold in the coming years. So, Buffett companies will also be dealing in CRYPTOS sooner than later.

We can also learn from him by investing in good companies as consumption is going to be there for a lifetime and beyond. As long as you are investing in companies that are good consumptions stories – you will be able to beat inflation and keep the wealth intact. We all be having Cryptos as our currency is going to change in coming years – so it better you can start investing now only.

JIM ROGERS is investing big time in AGRI COMMODITIES worldwide. He is the only investor in the world who has traveled the world two times – the first time on  BIKE and the second time in CAR. His experiences are worth reading. His vision is going in the right direction.

What NEXT?

Be really serious with your money. The coming time is not good for the World as a whole as the DEBT BOMB will blast someday. DEBT BOMB is the worst bomb than the BIO WAR or CORONA BOMB. All will be affected without fail.

Learn the fine art of investments and try to protect your wealth for yourself and your generations.

If you like our inputs – you can approach us for personalised guidance.

Accuracy is our specialty.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion & Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.


  1. Very intense and overwhelming truthful for working class.

  2. Means we should invest FMCG stocks.


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