Famous Dialogue of NORMAL INDIAN PEOPLE. How do they miss the opportunities?
15th February 2022
Famous Dialogue of NORMAL INDIAN PEOPLE. How do they miss the opportunities?
Dear Fellow Travellers,
Namaste! Can you imagine one single dialogue can be responsible for your PAINS / AGONY / FAILURES and MISSED OPPORTUNITIES? Can you imagine – one single dialogue can be responsible for mediocre life for most people? Can you imagine – the one single dialogue that can stop you from achieving the best you can in your lifetime? Yes. There is one dialogue that makes the above all possible in normal people’s life.
The most often used Dialogue is – LET ME THINK AOBUT IT.
I am sure you would have heard about it. The other dialogue related to the above is – I will come back to you / I will think about it / I will discuss with my wife / my brother in law and come back to you. BLAH. BLAH.
Normal MBA or other educated person uses this as a favorite tool to avoid taking decisions or postpone taking their decision. The fact of the matter is simple – they don’t know anything about the subject matter and rather than telling I don’t know about this. Please educate me on this – they use this dialogue to hide their ignorance and save their ego.
For most normal people – thinking has become a passion compared to KNOWING.
The legend in the thinking area Mr. EDWARD De Bono gave the concept of 6 thinking hats to help you think about. Let me deal with his concept.
De Bono identifies six distinct directions in which the brain can be challenged. In each of these directions, the brain will identify and bring into conscious thought certain aspects of issues being considered (e.g. gut instinct, pessimistic judgment, neutral facts).
Six distinct directions are identified and assigned a color. The six directions are: -
1. Managing Blue
– what is the subject? what are we thinking about? what is the goal? Can look
at the big picture.
2. Information White
– considering purely what information is available, what are the facts?
3. Emotions Red
– intuitive or instinctive gut reactions or statements of emotional feeling
(but not any justification)
4. Discernment Black
– logic applied to identifying reasons to be cautious and conservative.
Practical, realistic.
5. Optimistic response Yellow – logic applied to identifying
benefits, seeking harmony. Sees the brighter, sunny side of situations.
6. Creativity Green – statements of provocation and investigation, seeing where a thought goes. Thinks creatively, outside the box.
Mr. DE Bono is the AUTHORITY in THINKING and he had made millions selling his programs to business guys the world over. I had paid Rs.25000 to him for his lecture in 2007 in Mumbai.
If you study the above concept in detail – there is no thinking at all. Let me deal with each of his concepts and prove it to you. Just read the above explanation of BONO and read my comments below against each of the HAT.
1. BLUE HAT: - you can’t ask the questions without you knowing the SUBJECT.
2. WHITE HAT: - This is the process of knowing and not thinking!!
3. RED HAT: - INTUITION and GUTS are feelings and not thinking.
4. BLACK HAT: - To be CAUTIOUS, CONSERVATIVE, or REALISTIC is a result of your knowing your subject and not the thinking.
5. YELLOW HAT: - is moving towards your goal once you KNOW your subject and not the THINKING.
6. GREEN HAT: - It talks about thinking out of the BOX. It implies that you must know the BOX first.
What is the FACT?
It has been Marketing Gimmick by WESTERN Management to talk about thinking. The fact is - you can’t think on any subject unless you know that subject first. When you know the subject – you don’t think about it. You know it. So, there are two things only – you know it or you don’t know it.
If you know that Rs.2000 note is in your WALLETT – do you think whether you have Rs.2000 note or not you just know it?
you KNOW – you don’t need to THINK and if you Don’t know – you can’t think.
In both ways – you are wasting your time or losing an opportunity by giving “LET ME THINK” dialogue.
How WARREN BUFFETT Follows this?
To the die-hard fans of western management theories and gurus, I am sharing the proof of the WISEMAN of the WESTERN WORLD.
He does not think. He collects the FACTS, studies the same, and invests in the company if it fits in his parameters. He always focuses on the company – as it is 100% possible to collect most of the information for any company he wishes to study. He never talks about MARKET, as he or anybody can’t know the market 100% in one lifetime or 100 lifetimes.
He never gives the dialogue – let me think. Either he knows or he does not know. If he knows – he does not think before investing billions in that company. If he does not know – he does not invest a single dollar in that.
The TRICK is to KNOW and not to THINK!!
How to know?
If you are HONEST with yourself – rather than giving the dialogue – LET ME THINK – start following 4 steps. DOUBT, EXPLORE, EXPERIMENT and EXPERIENCE. These 4 steps will take you to the knowledge. This is the real knowledge backed up by your own experiences.
DE BONO and BUFFETT - both the guys are from the WEST. One is WISE and the other is INTELLIGENT. Your wealth creation/happiness in life/success in any area will depend on whom you want to FOCUS. I follow BUFFETT. You make your own choice.
DOING is the Best Way to KNOW. Not Thinking. So, Just DO IT.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp
- +91-9869425399.
Learn a Lesson.
Live with Passion &
Invest with Reason.
Hitesh Parikh.
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