Revolution and Rebellion are 100% opposite things

 17th January 2022

Revolution and Rebellion are 100% opposite things

Dear Fellow Travellers,

Namaste! Many times, we use some words interchangeably assuming they have the same meanings. The above two are the most important examples. The misunderstanding in the above two is the result of poor financial performance or mediocre life.

Revolution: -

Revolution is of the masses, by the masses, for the masses. In short, masses are involved in each and everything which happens. History has a long list of REVOLUTION. French Revolution and Russian Revolution are the most famous in history. In the same way, India’s Independence Fight was also a peaceful revolution compared to French and Russia.

Thanks to technology – we regularly see a revolution in our lifestyle without shedding blood. We have come a long way from a simple mobile to a smartphone. Doing everything at the touch of a button. We are moving from Paper currency to Digital Currency. The list is very long.

The only point is – this is done by the masses.

Rebellion: -

A rebel is an individual who stands against the system. Hindi Film directors have made tons of money by showing a HERO or ANTI HERO against the system. Masses always get impressed with the REBEL but they don’t want to follow him. They want to follow the MASSES only.

Rebel is a very personal phenomenon and it is a personal mission only. Later on, Masses may join him or not. It depends.

How your portfolio or quality of life is impacted?

If you do what others also do, you will get what others get. The point is if you follow masses – you will be also a part of the masses and will have no individual identity. What’s more, you will have competition with your fellow travelers for a piece of bread or return.

Masses follow Diversification in portfolio / Diversified consultants / SIP / Mutual Funds / Short-sighted trading/tons of saving schemes and things like that. If something new comes, they will also jump on that. These kinds of people work for money and die for money. Because of this way of working – their routine always takes away tons of their time in earning money or activities related to earning money. They miss the luxury of enjoying the present called LIFE. They always live for tomorrow and tomorrow never comes.

What do REBELS do?

They do what they feel is right. They always have conviction in what they do. They don’t bother for the market or the society at large. Look at all enlighten masters – they were rebels. It was very difficult to accept Jesus (They hanged him), Buddha, Mahavir, Krishna, Ram by people of their times. In the recent past – people could not accept OSHO. He was poisoned.

In the investment world – all value investors are not accepted. The chief of value investing is BUFFETT. Wall Street praises him like anything but they don’t want to follow him.

All know what Buffett and followers of his system do is the right things. But 99% are not ready to follow him. This is nothing but a GAP between LOGIC and EMOTIONS.

Buffett had said – “I am not right because the market agrees with me. I am not wrong because the market disagrees with me. I am right because my calculations show that.”

This is the language of a REBEL.

What NEXT?

Today is the first day for the rest of your life. In this way – this is your First Day in life. Knowing what you know with your life and investment experiences till yesterday – how would you like to start your new life? whom would you like to follow?

Remember – your decisions today will decide your destiny tomorrow and next birth.

Have a Happy Week Ahead.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion & Invest with Reason.

Hitesh Parikh.


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