Confused Government – “Selling Public Enterprises and Buying Private Enterprises”.
12th January 2022
Confused Government –
“Selling Public Enterprises and Buying Private Enterprises”.
Dear Fellow
Namaste! There is an
English proverb – More you change, more you remain the same. Yesterday two news
came in the media – Government will become the shareholder in Idea and Tata
Tele. On one hand, they are privatizing their diamond companies at throw-away
prices and on the other hand, they are investing in sick companies at prime
The message from the
TOP: -
One-word message
from the TOP is – Confusion. They had kept a very bullish target for the disinvestments
in the last budget which they are not going to reach before March 2022. They
have an additional burden of financing COVID -3 related support to the small
people in the country. They are fighting ELECTIONS in 5 states. And in this
BUSYNESS – they are adding private sector companies back door.
The biggest killer
of Wealth and Happiness: -
In the share market, there is a saying – “Bulls make money, Bears Make money but Pigs get
slaughtered”. The single biggest reason for killing wealth and personal happiness
is – LACK of CLARITY in your thought and actions.
Unrelated and unnecessary
diversification in investments is proof of a lack of clarity. You ask an
average investor or average financial advisor – he will recommend diversification.
The idea of recommending diversification is to save the skin in the game. All top
investors are always focused. They will surely go wrong and suffer a lot of
losses but they have the power of clarity in what they did and why they did. They
are okay with losses but when they gain – they want to gain tons of money and
not average return.
In persona life –
many couples are not compatible to stay together. They fight every day but they
stay together. Their blame game kills the happiness in life.
With the above two
in place – they don’t have money and they don’t have happiness. Their life
becomes average.
What is the CLARITY?
When promotors are
not able to pay the dues – find out whether they are not able to pay the dues
due to their mismanagement or other motives or due to government policies.
In the first case –
allow the company to die down and sell it to the other company or close the
company with losses written down – however big it may be. Punish the promoters
fast, in case they are wrong.
In the second case, work honestly to come out with the policies in consultation with the respective
expert in the business domain. Accidents happen when a person who knows cycling
is given the command of the Steering Wheel.
What is the LESSON
for small investors?
In the book – Buffettology,
the first chapter is
dedicated to establishing clarity. Buffett says –
Before buying a stock, it is important to first determine -what you want to own, understand why you want to own it and then wait for a good
price. The price that you pay for investment will determine your rate of return. Always aim to pay a
low price for a good investment. (this is 90% of the investing success and 90% of the
investors fail in this step).
This is the power of clarity.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or
on Whatsapp
- +91-9869425399.
Learn a Lesson. Live with Passion & Invest with
Hitesh Parikh.
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