Facebook Outage – Technical Glitch or the Great Data Reset – Astrological View.


6th October 2021

Facebook Outage – Technical Glitch or the Great Data Reset – Astrological View.

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! On 4th October 2021, Facebook / WhatsApp and Instagram suffered an outage for about 7 hours. There are many theories floating in social media. Some are saying 13 years old Chinese boy did the hacking. Some are saying some other person hacked it. Mark has apologized for the trouble people suffered for the 7 hours due to the outage. Let us see the horoscope of FACEBOOK to understand things in detail.

FACEBOOK Registration: -

It was registered on 24th July 2004 in Delaware State. WhatsApp and Instagram are taken over by FACEBOOK so, we will see only the FACEBOOK horoscope for our study.

This is the most beautiful horoscope for a case study for the student of astrology. I have used NADI ASTROLOGY principles to understand the company. There is no concept of LAGNA in NADI. We use the KAAL PURUSHA horoscope starting with MESH RASHI.


RAHU means PRAPANCH. People try to show their only good side. It means the real side is not shared on FACEBOOK. Most people try to show what they are not in real life to generate likes. People give likes to your post so that you give likes to their post. This is a typical RAHU nature.

Rahu means BRAIN / STRATEGY / ATTENTION. FACEBOOK has taken over the world in terms of users and effectiveness of the reach. It has 2.85 Billion Monthly Active Users. It means 40% of the world is using it. RAHU means addiction. FACEBOOK – INSTAGRAM and WHATSAPP are a kind of addiction for most people.

The degree of Rahu in MESH Rashi also indicates that the original idea of somebody would have inspired the MARK to start this kind of service.

MOON in TULA RASHI: - 7th house is a house of EXHIBITION and SOCIALISING. It means these services are used for the above two purposes. MOON + KETU indicates the low confidence of users or social approval mentality or low self-image of the users. They only go on FACEBOOK for likes. People go into depression if they get adverse comments or dislikes.


Mars is debilitated and Sun is also in the Watery sign of Kark Rashi. Both the planets are of fire and they are in Watery Sign. Degreecally mars are near to SIMHA Rashi and going towards MERCURY.

This indicates that the company is operating with hidden motives and agendas. There is a difference between its hidden motive and apparent workings.

Mercury + GURU: -

This is considered the MAHA INTELLIGENCE YOG in NADI. Both are in SIMHA RASHI. So, intelligence is used to capture the World. What’s more – they are making a TRINE with RAHU in MESH RASHI.

It means there are hidden motives behind the working of this company.

Venus and Saturn: -

Venus / Saturn / Mars and Pluto are on 25 degrees. Pluto means MASSES – SATURN means work – MARS means Courage and Venus means money. The company is launched to capture the masses with a lot of work and guts. The money was not flowing in the initial phases. It took a long time for the company. It showed a profit for the first time in 2012. So, money-making was a secondary goal when it was started.


The outage happened at 15.39 pm UTC time in the USA. At the time of OUTAGE – this was the position of the stars.

SATURN + GURU retrograde in Makar Rashi: - 10th house is a house of Business. When both the planets are retrograde in the 10th house - it means there are some issues in the business.

Mercury was also retrograde it means the communication was affected.

Rahu + Saturn + Mercury + Guru + Sun are making a TRIANGLE. Moon was in Simha. It means the outage was created at the instance of some TOP Guys and something has taken place which will come into the public domain in about 2 years’ time.

Venus is with KETU in the VRISCHIK Rashi. It means the hidden money is generated at the cost of the subscribers.

Venus is way ahead of SUN / MERCURY this time. It means MONEY MAKING was the PRIME GOAL for this OUTAGE.

What NEXT?

Astrology is great science. It can uncover hidden agendas and motives without much difficulty. The best use of astrology is to know yourself in as much detail as possible. When you know your innermost thought process – it becomes easy to focus on the areas of your choice.

If you need personalised guidance for yourself / your business – you can approach us.

Navratri will start tomorrow. Take advantage of the auspicious time.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.



Hitesh Parikh.



  1. Just read TNX so FB grp too us cunningly fooling huge grp of subscribers


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