Mr. Radhakishan Damani is Worth Rs.2 lakh Crore and Mr.Rakesh is Rs.22000 Cr. Why?

 12th October 2021

Mr. Radhakishan Damani is Worth Rs.2 lakh Crore and Mr.Rakesh is Rs.22000 Cr. Why?

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! Today we are dealing with the most important case study on the two investors – who started together or around the same time. One is 10 times bigger than the other. How come? We are sharing the TOP wealth creation secrets. If you follow the same – you will be also moving towards TOP.

Radhakishan Damani: - He is a businessman cum investor. He owns a business that is 100% under his control. So, he has two sources of income – business income plus investment income. Since the major valuation is coming from his own business – he is relatively insulated from market ups and downs. He knows the true value of the business and he also knows how to do investments. With the two-sided sword of investing and business – he has an edge over just investors. All the RICHEST people in the World are having these models to support their riches.

Rakesh: - He is the shrewdest investor we have seen in India. He also holds 10% and above in many companies. But he is not MANAGING those companies. He may give his inputs as a board member but he can’t benefit from the overall increase in the valuations of any company. He gets the benefits to the extent of his shares only.

Buffett is also the same story. He is an odd man out in the top 10 guys of the world. Rakesh is following the same model as Buffett.

There are lot many names in the market who have made tons of money by investing smartly and holding on to their gains without running around.

These two are the best way to make money – if at all you have the ambitions to make good money in your life.

How Middle Class works?

Normal middle-class guys make the two biggest blunders in their life.

1.   They invest their own money or loan money to educate their kids.

2.   When these kids are MBA or CA or SOFTWARE Technologist – they go for a so-called well-paying job.

3.   Now, they invest this money into Mutual Funds / Funds of funds and many other esoteric investments avenues.  When they invest in these platforms – they consider themselves SMARTER than the fellow who is investing himself.

4.   I have yet to come across a middle-class guy who has his name in the top 100 richest people of the world.

You may have to do the job for the initial years but later on, you must switch to your own business or investing without fail.

What is the WEALTH CREATION Secret?

Your knowledge and your money are your biggest power. When you give them to somebody else – they become star fund managers or star financial advisors.

If you are also following or living with a typical middle-class mindset – no amount of skill sets or smartness will take you to the top.

You can change your way now also. See RAKESH has launched his own aviation company. With the valuations of the aviation company coming into play in the coming 2-3 years – the gap between the DAMANI sir and Rakesh will reduce for sure.

The ULTIMATE TRUTH for making a wealth: -

The above 2 are the only and sure shot ways to go to the top. My security-oriented readers may argue that 95% of start up gets failed. They are right. There is no RISK no RETURN.

When you take the above two ways you can have a reasonable expectation to be in the top league. But when you go for JOB and MUTAL Funds – you will be 100% middle class till your last breath.

Make your own call. If you want to follow your way only – then don’t blame ADANI / AMBANI and DAMANI or don’t feel jealous of them.

Navratri is going on. If you want to change your way of investing – you can take our help.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.



Hitesh Parikh.



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