Interesting Change in Sharukh Khan’s Attitude in Aryan Khan’s Case

 27th October 2021

Interesting Change in Sharukh Khan’s Attitude in Aryan Khan’s Case

Dear Fellow Travelers,

Namaste! The most successful people are the most successful because they correct their mistakes fast. I am observing the proceedings from the Aryan Khan case and the way team Sharukh Khan is responding to the case.

1.   They started with the overconfidence and blame game to the system and the government. The Bollywood biggies joined the game and a congress politician also joined the game. They did not get bail.

2.   Sharukh changed the lawyer in the next hearing but the attitude was the same. In fact, they tried to become aggressive this time. They did not get bail.

3.   Now, they appointed the top lawyer of the country but changed the focus area. They have distanced from the blame game and said we are not with any politician and we respect the system. Let the law take its own course.

Learning Lessons: -

1.   When you are in soup – don’t create more problems by blaming others or the system. Just focus on your problem and find out how to solve that problem. With the entry of the TOP LAWYER – he would have been advised to focus on the problem – to get the ARYAN OUT OF THE JAIL.

The Role of the SEASONED Consultant or GURU: -

When you are in a problem and when you have tons of money – the best thing you can buy is the right advice to come out of the problem. This is the biggest advantage of having tons of money when you have problems.

The seasoned lawyer changed the focus of the case and asked the team to work in the legal framework only and stop all PR games against the system. They have categorically distanced themselves from the Congress politician’s game plan to single out the probing officer.

The role of a seasoned consultant or Guru is not to give you success. But they help you focus on the area where you can do something constructive or take responsible actions against the problems. When you focus on the problem area with a constructive attitude – your chances of success become high. If at all you don’t get success on the first attempt – you will have internal harmony towards solving your problems. Your energy is focused in the right direction.

How does this apply to investment success?

A seasoned investment consultant will never focus on outperforming the market. He will focus on the safety of your capital and he will work on your attitude towards the market and investments as a whole rather than giving you just an investment idea.

Machiavelli, in his famous book THE PRINCE, says that “Men are ungrateful, fickle, deceitful, cowardly and avaricious.” According to Machiavelli human nature is completely selfish and full of ego and that they always think about their own self-interest compared to the fellow being.  

If Machiavelli is right – all the market participants will have the above qualities. Now, if you want to win them – you have to be the 180-degree opposite of them. If you are not having a better response system – you will not beat the market return or remain in the market for the long term.

What was our call on the Aryan Khan Case?

We had advised following strategy in our last post on Aryan Khan. With the new lawyer – they have picked up the same thing.

In their MADNESS to blame somebody, they assume that they are not at fault. The fact is another way around. They are at such a fault that the leading lawyers’ team is not able to get them the bail.

The best strategy should have been to accept the fault and pray for fewer punishments.

Astrological Tip: -

Shani is a system. It punishes the wrongdoer without fail. You can’t beat the system. The best way to propitiate Shani is to accept the fault. As soon as you accept the fault – pain from SHANI reduces drastically or goes away.

What NEXT?

At Destiny Management we are working on a holistic investment attitude for investment success with each of our clients rather than just giving them an investment or trading tip. Our 30 years of experience says – those clients who picked up this attitude – they have made tons of money after that.

If you like our way of working – you can approach us.

Happy Investing.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.


Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.



Hitesh Parikh.





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