Questions You Must Ask Yourself Before You Invest in this Market

1st March 2021

Questions You Must Ask Yourself Before You Invest in this Market

Greetings from Hitesh! Today is the 1st day of the month. 1st day of the week. But most importantly, 1st day for the rest of your life. Normally, we see a Birthday as the First day of Life. Today is the first day in all respect. What you do on the first day has an effect on the next day and the whole life. The chain of events goes on. 

So, I am giving you some set of questions – if you take the trouble to ask them today, I assure you, your life will start changing immediately.

Why some people are more successful than others?

I was thinking about why some people are more successful than others and I remembered what Anthony Robbins told me in 2007 – he had said – “right questions lead to right answers”. The main issue with 90% of not so successful person is – He doesn’t ask the right questions. So, I am giving you list of questions – just ask them and see the magic in your life. You don’t have to be RIGHT or WRONG in giving ANSWERS – just have to be HONEST with yourself. These ANSWERS will change your life – so be HONEST with yourself.

List of Questions: -

1.   What is your Bank / Cash Balance as of today?

2.   How much is your Monthly / Yearly income as of today? Do you feel embarrassed while talking about it in public?

3.   What are your assets and liabilities as of today? Have you ever prepared your balance sheet and seen it?

4.   Do you think your assets and income are more than your liabilities and expenses? If yes, by how much?

5.   How is your income when compared with your BEST FRIEND / NEAREST RELATIVE / YOUR NEIGHBOUR or your ROLE MODEL? Are you happy with this?

6.   What will you buy/do – if you get a sudden lottery of Rs.1 Cr? Are you waiting for such sudden money to fulfill your desires? How many times you have won the lottery in the past? Do you want to rely on such income?

7.   Have you lost money during the Financial Crisis or COVID Lockdown in the past?  What were the reasons for the same? What did you do to come out of it? What did you learn during those times?

8.   What has been your Growth in Income/Assets in the last 5 /10 years? Are you happy with it? What were the causes of the same?

9.   If you are not happy with your GROWTH in the last 5/10 years – what actions have you taken to change the same?

10. Looking at the past 5/10 years of your life – do you feel that you should have done something – but did not do it? E.g. Sensex moved from around 17000 in 2011 to near 50000 in 2021 – you always wanted to invest - but somehow you did not? What was the reason which stopped you? Do you still want to hang on to those reasons?

11.What are the reasons for missing such golden opportunities in the market or in your own field?

12. If you go on doing what you have done in the last 5/10 years – where you will reach in the coming 5/10 years? Does the current market competition in your business-job/situation/technology shift will allow you to do what you have done in the past?

13. Do you want to DIE with DREAMS unfulfilled or with a happy memory of living your dreams?

14. What is your DREAM DESTINATION for your life in the coming 5/10 years?

15. If you look at the answers of Questions 8 to 13 – do you think you will be able to reach your DREAM DESTINATION in the coming 5/10 years?

16. If you feel, you are not going to reach your DREAM DESTINATION – What kind of drastic actions you must take now? How will you deal with “I should have done” feelings at the time of your death?

What Next?

If you really and honestly ask these questions to yourself – the answers will do magic in your life. It may happen that you may not be able to sleep tonight. My experiences show that people take immediate actions to change their life once they honestly ask the above questions.

Destiny Management is working relentlessly to make Material and Spiritual differences in the life of people. If you wish – you can take advantage of our services to understand your life path and ways to reach your dream destination.

Have a Happy March.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh and join me on WhatsApp on +91 986 942 5399.

Live With Passion…. Invest With Passion.


Hitesh Parikh


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