The Biggest Challenge of 9th Husband of Elizabeth Taylor
6th February 2021
The Biggest Challenge of 9th Husband of Elizabeth Taylor
Dear Fellow Travelers,
Namaste! Our last post on coming Tandav was well received by our
readers. Thanks a ton for reading the same and kind words of appreciation. Today
I am going to deal with the biggest challenge of 9th husband of Elizabeth
Taylor. She was a Hollywood actress and had a record of doing 8th marriage.
She married one husband 2 times. So, she had 7 persons officially in her
life. Now, let us assume she wanted to marry 9th times and she found
out her prince charming. What would be the challenges of the 9th Husband?
The biggest challenges of 9th Husband: -
She was married for the 8th time. She has gone through all possible
experiences of marriage/s one can imagine in a normal course. The biggest challenge
for the 9th guy is to bring something Fresh / Something New for her
in the area of their relationships. If he is not different from the previous 8
husbands, chances of the marriage lasting long are very less. In reality, many
of her marriages were converted into divorce in just 1 year.
How does this compare with Investors of the current time?
Thanks to Media / Social Media and Google – current investors have tons
of information at the touch of the screen. He is constantly bombarded with
Breaking News kind of information and he is really busy accumulating them.
If you go one step ahead with the HNI or Ultra HNI investors – they too
have tons of information. Many times, more accurate than the normal investors.
In their club meetings or social gatherings, the most important topic of discussion
is What’s New?
I have observed that they are operating from a kind of fanaticism for
NEW INFORMATION or NEW NEWS. They believe that the more they know; the more they will
earn. They feel the stress of losing something important – if they don’t have the latest
information in their chosen field.
My recent observations of people when Corona was at PEAK (at least as
per Media): -
1. Looking at the death news – many guys who were not taking Life insurance
took new insurance policies. Some added to the existing insurance amount.
2. Looking at the medical expenses – many guys opted for Mediclaim
3. Looking at the death of people below 40, many became health conscious.
4. Looking at the closed businesses in lockdown period – many guys turned
to Share Market for income generations.
Now, do you think – those who took any of the above or all of the above actions
– did not know about them in 2019? I am sure – they were well aware of them
in 2019 or earlier periods. But how come they did not implement their information
from April to June 2020? How come what was seen as an expense (premium of
insurance) in 2019, became an investment in 2020?
If you see the above examples – their information about policies or
share market in 2019 and earlier did not change the quality of their life till
If they had given lack of money/lack of more insights or lack of look
and feel a reason in 2019 or earlier for not going for them – how come they
arranged money in 2020 – which was the toughest period for most of the people?
It means – till the time your information is connected with YOURSELF –
they were useless. If you hadn’t known them in 2019 or earlier period, your
life would have been the same as it was.
How HITESH PARIKH is different?
I have dealt with all sorts of clients in the last 30 years. Many know Technical Charts better than me. Many are deeper with Fundamental details. Many are having breakfast or dinner or drink with top industrialists and fund managers. They claim that they know all before anything happens. Many are very shrewd business persons. Many are seasoned traders or investors themselves.
Like 9th Husband – I have a dilemma to do something fresh or
something different.
Over the years – I have found there is a disconnection between what a person knows and his quality of life. This gap is the results of the LACK OF
SELF KNOWLEDGE. Without knowing yourself in the first step– whatever you are doing,
knowing, or claim to know becomes waste of time and a waste of life. Because life
is nothing but time. It is very painful to see people who wanted to go to Kerala
boarded on a flight to Delhi. They are so much entangled in Delhi now, that they can't take a 'U" turn now. The most often heard dialogue by me so far is
– “I should have listened to you / I should have consulted you.”
The biggest yardstick people have is the money they have accumulated. So,
when they have tons of money – it becomes more difficult to convince them that
they don’t know themselves. I have seen as the person becomes richer and richer, his life becomes more and more boring and stressful due to a lack of self-knowledge.
What is the biggest Value Addition I am doing to all my clients?
I help them with their self-knowledge from day one. Thanks to my experience
in astrology and other ancient sciences – I can exactly pinpoint the missing
link in their life’s happiness instantly. When their missing link is dealt with
– they start flying from the next day as they are already having tons of information/money or other expertise when they meet me.
Here also, I have seen that the smartest of the smart will deal with
Missing links instantly and average people will wait for 2020 kind of panic situations
in their life before they deal with their self-knowledge inputs.
What NEXT?
If you think you are doing something new – look back and study your
father / his father / his father. Go back to your 8th generation if
you can collect the details. You will find that they all were operating the way
you are operating now. The difference would have come only and only when someone
had better self-knowledge than others in your generations.
If you want instant power to enjoy your life/money or information –
approach us.
Have a great weekend.
me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp
– +91-9869425399.
With Passion…Invest With Passion.
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