Will Covid-19 go in September as YouTube Astrologers are predicting? We are sharing the most authentic view.

21st July 2020
Will Covid-19 go in September as YouTube Astrologers are predicting? We are sharing the most authentic view.

Dear Fellow Travelers,
Namaste! Today I am going to deal with the most important and most talked about subject in the media – COVID -19. The whole world has suffered in the last 6 months and people are looking at all possible sources for HOPE. Astrology is one such medium that can guide us with 100% surety. Thanks to Lockdown and the demand for hope – there are 1000s of YouTube astrologers posting their Videos on a daily or regular basis. My clients keep on listening to them and ask me for my views. Today I am sharing the most authentic view on Covid-19.
What is the right way to analyze the situations?
The right method is to go step by step. Three steps are SEED / TRUNK and FRUITS. Most learned guys are going wrong as they are focusing on the FRUITS only (i.e. Covid-19). They are not ready to look at SEED and TRUNK.
I will start with the SEED.
When did it start?
With the GRACE of MY GURU and his blessing, I am sharing you the date and time of the event. These details are shared with me by my enlightened GURU. My gratitude towards him for his blessings, love, and affection towards me.
According to him the date/place and time are as under.
1st November 2019 / Time 0.0 hours / Place Wuhan.
I have prepared the Kundali based on these details and I am sharing my views on the same.

This kundali talks about Seed / Trunk and Fruits.

Kark Lagna and Rahu in 12th house: -
The seed was to get prepared with the Mass Killing Technology ahead of the USA. The conspiracy was there for sure. Sun and Rahu aspect with retrograde mercury in the 5th house indicates the involvement of government and top guys. 
However, the Kark Lagna stands for Mother. Mother Nature had its own plans. So, the accident occurred when the MOON entered in MOOL NAKSHATRA at 0.0 hours on 1st November 2019.
If you look at the combination – the Moon transited over Mangal / Surya / Venus / Mercury and Jupiter. In fact, before meeting Ketu / Shani and Pluto – it was passing with most auspicious planets – Mercury / Jupiter and Venus. It means the game was going on smoothly. There were no hiccups and maybe Kill Bill / Fauci and other top guys were involved in the same.
Mercury was retrograde in the 5th house. 5th house is a house of ideas/strategy and imaginations. Moon transited retrograde mercury, it means some mistake happened at this stage, and when Moon joined KETU / SHANI and PLUTO the explosion of Covid-19 happened. Jupiter was at 29.10 degrees and was about to enter in Moola Nakshatra. This added the fuel to the fire. 
Mool Nakshatra is observed as a major reason for such kind of bad events in the past also. Mool means ROOT in English. It means the problem was at the bottom and all vested guys were involved in the same.
We are calling this accident because – had it been pre-planned, they would have been ready with Vaccines and would have minted billions of dollars from the world wide communities. This is reflected in the Kundali.
How the TRUNK developed?
We have seen the SEED aspect. From 1st November 2019 to 13th March 2020 – Ketu into Ketu Dasa was going on. So, till March – the World was in DARK as far as action plans were concerned. Most countries did not take action until the 13th March, 2020. In fact, India also declared lockdown from 23rd March 2020 only.
From 14th March 2020 – Venus Antar Dasa in Ketu started. Venus is in 4th house in the CUSP chart and it was lord of 4th and 11th house. Venus Dasa was responsible for LOCKDOWN. 4th house is the opposite of the 10th house. So, businesses had to close. But 11th was also there so – a government-supported the underprivileged and many people also helped as per their capacities to the affected guys.
To add fuel to the fire – Venus was transiting from VRISHABH Rashi from May to August 2020. It was a slow-moving and also VENUS was retrograde in May and June. This stopped the income of many people. Many people became frustrated and committed suicides.
Venus represents the Film industry. You can see that during May and June – we had various BAD news from film and Television personalities timely and untimely deaths.
Venus Dasa will last till 14th May 2021. So, overall COVID -19 Effects will be visible till 14th May 2021 and beyond. For the time being, I am talking till 14th May 2021 only. I will update this post in the future.
What is going to happen in September 2020 as YouTube Astrologers are saying?
Guru and Shani will become MARGI. There are RETROGRADE NOW. RAHU and KETU will change their sign for 18 months. (you can read our post on King of Kaliyug RAHU entering VRISHABH Rashi in our blog). They are assuming that the good effects of Jupiter and Shani will come into play. They are partially right but their conclusion that COVID-19 will go away is hopeful thinking and not reality. They are overenthusiastic and lack the subject knowledge.
1.    If COVID-19 will go away in SEPTEMBER – do you think whole worldwide scientist fraternity which are spending sleepless nights to find out vaccines for the COVID-19 and the Pharma companies and Countries who are supporting them with Billions of Dollars are FOOL?
2.    If COVID-19 is going to go away in SEPTEMBER – why the hell they would spend billions of dollars on their research? All their efforts will bring them huge losses.
The biggest joke: -
An astrologer having no knowledge of VIRUS can say that it will go in SEPTEMBER and Scientists who are day in and day out dealing with them can’t predict that it will go away in a short time? This is the biggest joke on YouTube watchers and free information seekers.  
My reading of Kundali is 100% practical and full of common sense.
According to me – by September 2020 – we will have more than one vaccine ready and people will start having faith in them. Today we have made a joke of Patanjali or Remdesivir when they came out with their product. Today, we are skeptical about the treatments. After September when Jupiter becomes MARGI – people will develop the faith in Medicines and they will feel confident to deal with COVID-19. But Covid-19 will not GO!!
Knowing the severity of the COVID-19, we had written a letter to PMO on 29th March 2020. You can read that post by clicking on this link - https://t.co/XsNklPrPiB?amp=1
I was fortunate to get feedback that they will take steps as per our recommendations. But, if I look at the last 3 months' steps – my suggestions were not followed.
But the fact remains that the communications of YouTube guys are misleading the masses.
Now the FRUITS: -
1.    We know that the COVID-19 has the lowest death rates and the results are not the deaths of masses.
2.    The most visible results are the world is united – particularly the scientific communities in searching the solutions for the same. In the whole history, we would not have come to the situations when all are busy finding solutions to one problem.
3.    People came out and helped the people with whatever they can do for the other guys. Many guys like Sonu Sood went out of their ways to help the communities.
4.    This was an opportunity to get united but as usual – many guys did the black marketing of necessities and many guys made tons of money in MASKS / SANITISER and other COVID-19 care products.
5.    The worst FRUIT is the economies are affected worldwide. To jack up the GDP growth rates or to force economic growth – many countries will resort to bullying other countries or attacking other countries. China is trying to attack India / Pakistan and Nepal are also acting as per China’s signal. The USA will try to bully china and we will see such events coming up in the coming 18-25 months. My worries are more for WAR LIKE situations post-September 2020 than COVID-19.
(while writing in SHANI SANKRANTI Kundali in January 2020 – I have categorically predicted that MAP of many countries will change). 
Ideally, when we have one problem and we get another bigger problem than the current problem – our focus shifts to the bigger problem and we feel that the first problem is not important.
So, if the situations become WAR LIKE and we all are focused on it – our focus may shift from COVID-19. Recently there was a joke going in WhatsApp – that China capturing Indian land was Stopped COVID-19 in Media. Vikas Dube encounter news stopped China news in Media. Amitabh Bachchan going into hospital for COVID-19 treatment stopped Vikas Dube encounter News. This way Human Mind works. That does not mean COVID-19 will not be there.
What does it mean for Normal Guy?
Don’t try to learn something which is not your priority. If at all you want to learn – learn from genuine people. FREE online Knowledge is the most dangerous thing you can have. You may save your money – but that knowledge will affect the quality of your life for sure. Mostly, this effect on negative sides only.
What NEXT?
From today the most auspicious month of SHRAVAN starts. Today till Dev Diwali – 133 days are the most auspicious and full of cosmic energy. Take energy-positive actions and make use of the coming 4 months to elevate your conscious levels.
You can read our post just copy-paste this link in your browser.  https://t.co/Du6t5h65eU?amp=1

My blog is proof that I always keep my readers well ahead of the events with scientific astrological analysis.  If you want guidance on your personal issues based on astrology or investment-related issues – you can approach us.
I wish you all the best.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion. 

Hitesh Parikh.


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