Make These Two Your Fast Friends – one for Investment Success and other for Fulfilling your Dreams – our DIWALI GIFT to our readers.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Make These Two Your Fast Friends –
one for Investment Success and other for Fulfilling your Dreams – our DIWALI GIFT
to our readers.
from Hitesh! Our post on Wednesday, 11 July 2018 - We are
going to witness 3 eclipses in coming 31 days. How it will affect Market?
In the same we had categorically said JULY to
SEPTEMBER GROWTH figures will not be as per expectations and the current feed
back with NBFC fiasco/ Crude prices during last 3 months and DOLLAR rates are
indicating the same thing. I am sure in coming time the figures will also
support our call.
Today we are going to give you two gifts. One will
help you with your investments and business venture and other will help you
with fulfilling and living your dreams.
1. What I Don’t Know?
When a normal guys approach investment – they focus
on what to buy? At what rate to buy? At what rate to sell? They generally believe
that the given call will perform as they are told. When things don’t go as per their
call - they start questioning about the same. At that time – they are being
told about economic reasons / Crude prices / US Dollar rate prices / company related
scams and things like that. This puts off the normal guy and they get out of
the market cursing their luck or cursing the guy who recommended them. All “ME TOO” issues in media are the resutls of not asking this question
by both the parties.
This happens because before investing they don’t ask
simple question – WHAT I DON’T KNOW? When you ask this question – you come
to know the limitation of your belief about your investment call/ business
venture or any new venture say marriage.
The answers of the above question lead to series of
revelation and they can give you the idea about the probability of the call/venture/relations
going right or wrong. So, you remain prepared for any outcome.
According to me – What I don’t know? is the best friend
you can rely on before investing.
2. I can’t afford it. It’s too costly.
Whenever, normal guy is proposed with some product
or service – his frequent answer is – I can’t afford it. It’s too costly. I
have no money. I have other priorities. There can be “N” number of such related
reasons. But the bottom line is the same – “I can’t afford it”.
Most NORMAL guy takes a sigh of RELIEF when a sales
guy goes away after listening to this reason. According to me this is the worst
enemy stopping you from living your life at your own terms or enjoying your
When you say – “I can’t afford it” N number
of times, your inner mind starts believing them and you start living so called
REALISTIC or PRACTICAL LIFE. In other words, you remain NORMAL for the life
time. So, by giving above dialogue you are doing bigger harm to yourself then to
the other guy. Many times, by giving above dialogue they have a KIND OF
SADISTIC PLEAUSRE for sending SALES GUY OFF. This is more dangerous for you.
In current liquidity crises, when normal guys are
faced with their CREDITORS – they simply say they don’t have money. They can’t
pay now or things like that. These answers also have the same effect on your
inner mind as “I can’t afford it”. Remember - Nobody is SMART enough to
cheat the NATURE.
If you really want to fulfil your dreams – your questions
should be – HOW CAN I AFFORD IT? How can I pay to my CREDITORS? How Can I
generate additional money to pay for Iphone Xs? When you ask this question,
your mind start looking for the ways to generate those kinds of extra money.
When you generate and get those products, your inner mind starts believing in
your capacities that “YOU CAN DO IT”. Once your mind stats believing that “You
Can Do It”, you start becoming successful in all areas one by one.
So, make this question – HOW CAN I AFFORD IT? as
your second friend and this will surely help you in living your dreams.
What Next?
Do you want to die with MEMORY of your DREAMS
Fulfilled or list of pending dreams for NEXT life? If you want to die with MEMORY
of FULFILLED DREAMS – the above questions will be 100% helpful to you.
If you follow above questions – each of your DAY
will be DIWALI.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /
- +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With
Hitesh Parikh.
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