How do we SEE coming 6 months based on SUN INGRESS CHART of TULA Rashi for India?

Sunday, 21 October 2018

How do we SEE coming 6 months based on SUN INGRESS CHART of TULA Rashi for India?

Greetings from Hitesh! Our message on “Life changes in a MOMENT” yesterday was appreciated by many readers. Thanks for the same. Today we are dealing with our predication for India for coming 6 months.

On7th March, we had written post –How do we see the coming year for India, based on sun ingress chart of mesh rashi... …

The above call had gone 100% accurate and we wrote our second post on -18th September -Our call on India given on 7th March is coming 100% correct...

On 20th September, we wrote our post on JUPITER TRANSIT and its effects on India. Today we are taking must MICRO picture of just 6 months.

If you have missed, you can click and read them on my blog.


Sun entered in TULA on 17th October at 6.45pm. Mumbai time.

Mesh Lagna 10 Degree / Ravi 0 Degree Tula Rashi / Moon 8 degree Makar Rashi / Mangal 19 degree Makar Rashi / Budh 17 degree Tula Rashi / Venus 14 degree Tula Rashi / Shani 9 Degree Dhan Rashi /Rahu 7 degree Kark Rashi / Ketu 7 degree Makar Rashi / Uranus 6 degree Mesh Rashi / Neptune 19 Degree Kumbh Rashi / Pluto 24 Degree Dhan Rashi.

1.  Lagna Lord exalted in 10th house is apparently good for the ruling party and the country. But Mangal is making a combination with Neptune in Kumbh Rashi and Managal is also in PARIVARTAN YOGA with SHANI AND GURU.

2.  Mangal represent 1st and 8th house / Guru 9th and 12th house / Shani 10th and 11th house. Mangal is seen by RAHU and sitting with KETU.

3.  This will put the GOVERNMENT is precarious positions. They will have to deal with unexpected and unpleasant events. Just see the Dussera train mishap in PUNJAB and yesterday’s fighting in KASHMIR. All positive MARS energy will be wasted in dealing with 8th house – house of expected loss and 12th house – house of unexpected loss.

4.  GURU being a lord of 9th house (house of LUCK) sitting in 8th house ( house of Loss), takes away the support of LUCK and gives negative results.

5.  Combination of NEUPTUNE and MANGAL indicates some secret negative plans. Uranus is in LAGNA and Mangal is also seeing URANUS. This combination of NEPTUNE / MARS AND URANUS will lead to Fighting / Riots and we will see events leading to FIRE and BLOOD. Kind of EARTH QUAKE or Natural calamity is also possible.

6.  Moon / Rahu / Ketu / Shani / Uranus are also degree wise near to each other. This will lead to oozing poison against each other in PUBLIC domain. ME TOO is one such thing happening currently. We will see many politically motivated events in public domain also. Kind of FANATIC movement in religion space is not ruled out.

7.  Venus is retrograde in 7th house. This is indicating the affected opposite guys / girls will come out against their sufferings. This also indicated the political parties will find it difficult to stay together.

8.  Coming states election in November 2nd half will bring in above kind of events in public domain.

9.  Sun is in 7th house, so our share market will be affected by the events of WORLD.

What NEXT?

This is a MACRO prediction for just 6 months. It is not applicable to you as a reader. For your personal reading, you can consult us and take remedial action, if needed, for fast resutls in auspicious period of DIWALI.


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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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