If you have ever suffered LOSS in Stock Market, Please read this.

Thursday, 05 April 2018
If you have ever suffered LOSS in Stock Market, Please read this.
Greetings from Hitesh! Thanks for your responses to my last post on VED VYASA’s master stroke. Lot many people could see the satire he played on the MANKIND. Today I am going to share a beautiful SUFI story. The same story has come in various forms in various languages. In Gujarati – we had ANDHERI NAGARI GANDU RAJA story. The SUFI story is also like that.
A thief went into a bungalow for burglary. Window, from which he was trying to enter, broke and he fell. His legs were broken, and he had lot of other injuries. So, he went to the KING and complained about the owner of the house.
King called the owner and asked for the explanation. The owner said it is not my fault. I gave the bungalow to contractor and he is responsible.
So, King called the contractor and he said he is just a contractor. The window was made by Mistry. So, he is responsible for poor quality of Window.
Mistry said while I was fitting a WINDOW, a beautiful woman was passing by and my mind became interested in her, so, I could not fit the window properly. She is responsible for the window breakdown.
King called the woman. Woman said I am not beautiful        (can you believe a woman saying this?). That day I was wearing the most beautiful DUPPATA done by my dyer. That dupatta, was the real cause of attraction towards me. So, please call DYER.
Finally, King called upon DYER. It turned out that DYER was the HUSBAND of the WOMAN and he was also the THIEF who broke the leg.
Story ends.
What this story means?
Human Psychology: - Nobody is ready to believe that they are responsible for the loss. They want to blame somebody or the other.
Subjective Interpretation: - A thief is complaining to the KING. He might be thinking that since he had not done the THEFT due to broken LEG, he can’t be considered Thief and he is eligible to complain.
Principle of Karma: - As we go deep into the event, we find that our own KARMA’s are responsible for whatever we are getting – good or bad. He dyed cloth and he was the thief also.
How does this relate to the Loss?
I see after loss many investors blames on their broker / the guy who gave the tip / the TRUMP’s TWEET or any such world market event or his FATE.
The deeper one goes – he will also realise that somehow, he is the only guy responsible for his losses. (This requires lot of HONESTY with the self).
What happens when you realise you are responsible for your losses?
Then you start correcting yourself. If you keep on blaming others, neither you will chang, nor your performance will. But when you make yourself responsible, you will go one step ahead and take control of the situations. You will work on the skill sets needed for being a good investor. You will work on other areas related to improvement of investment performance like appointing personal investment consultant.
Once you start taking control of situations, your results will flow differently. This will make you happy slowly and gradually.
What Next?
Whether you remember the post or not, you will remember the story. Just go on thinking on various aspects of story and many hidden meaning (not covered in this post) will open for you and it will make a difference in your life.
Happy Investing.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /WhatsApp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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