The most important question you must ask, before you invest a in current Market Situations
April 2018
most important question you must ask, before you invest a in current Market
Greetings from Hitesh! Thanks a ton for liking our last
post How to create Positive Association with Money and Profit? Most
guys have appreciated the same and forwarded to their contacts also. Looking at
current situations in the market many friends have following questions.
1. What will happen in coming parliament election? Will Modi be
re-elected? How it will affect market?
2. What will happen to market if DOLLAR crosses 67?
3. What are the sectors or companies will move fast in current set
4. Which is the best investment option at this juncture?
5. What kind of return we can earn in coming year?
6. What will happen to GDP growth? Will it sustain, or it is all
7. Whether war will happen with Pakistan or China?
8. What will be the TRUMP’s next action?
9. How Trump’s policies can affect the Indian Market?
are some of the questions NORMAL guys always asks. The same guys when goes
for marriage asks following questions?
1. How is the boy or girl’s future?
2. Will I settle abroad after marriage
or in India?
3. How will be my married life?
4. How will be my In-laws? Will I be
able to stay separate from them?
5. What will be the economic position of
the Groom?
6. How is the Character of the opposite
7. Will he/she make me happy?
8. Will she take care of my parents?
These are some of the questions I get when somebody comes
for Horoscope matching to me.
Now let us see how the same guy selects the Education
Stream. He asks following questions.
1. What is the scope of the education
line in terms of JOB/Salary?
2. How much money I can earn if I become
say Engineer or Doctor or CA?
3. What kind of marriage partner I
should choose depending on my education background – normally DOCTORS do this
kind of Jodi.
4. What kind of foreign tours and
retirement benefits will be available in a job?
5. Which education line can make me fast
money/name and fame?
6. Which line gives me the most security
in terms of job and career?
7. What will be my marriage prospect by
selecting an education line?
are some of the questions which all NORMAL guys deal with when they approach their
friends / relatives or consultant.
Unique Aspect of All the Above Questions: -
the questions are situation-based questions and they are based on GREED rather
then the NEED. The GREED to get the BEST is the most important driving force in
the above questions.
to me all the above questions are 100% wrong and wrong questions can’t lead to
the right answers. In the field of investments 90% guys are not making good
money. Same applies to job satisfaction and married life. There BASE of
investment / marriage or job is 100% wrong.
are the right questions?
1. What do I want from my investments?
2. What kind of girl or boy I want to
3. What kind of work I love to do?
see the power of above questions. They remove the clutter of 100’s of questions
and bring the focus on you and your inner voice. These questions lead to
HAPPINESS with success in the long term rather then just success.
above questions create the SELF ACCOUNTABILITY in one’s life and he will have
to blame himself for the success or failure in above decisions. This requires
lot of support of inner Honesty and Character.
will go through terrible pain if the above decisions go wrong and he can’t
blame anybody. So, the safe way is to ask some wrong questions as per above
list and if goes wrong, you can blame others.
HAPPINESS, PEACE of MIND, Good relations, Good health are your goals, then
please be HONEST with yourself. Your HONESTY with yourself will pay you Rich
dividends for life time then finding short cuts and copying somebody.
you need help in Investments – do approach us.
a Great Weekend.
me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp
- +91-9869425399.
With Passion…Invest With Passion.
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