Interesting Relationship between JOB / GOOGLE / CREDIT CARD and MUTUAL FUND Investments

Sunday, November 12, 17

Interesting Relationship between JOB / GOOGLE / CREDIT CARD and MUTUAL FUND Investments

Greetings from Hitesh! Today I am going to deal with four apparently different aspects of NORMAL Person’s life. They may not have any direct relationships but they have 100% effect on the quality of NORMAL guys life.

Before I deal with let me share my favorite SANSKRIT SLOK, which I learned in my school days.

Sanskrit Pearl :-
पुस्तकस्था तु या विद्या परहस्तगतं धनम्
कार्यकाले समुत्पन्ने न सा विद्या न तद्धनम्

pustakasthaa tu yaa vidyaa parahastagataM dhanam
kaaryakaale samutpanne na saa vidyaa na taddhanam

Meaning of the subhAShita:
Knowledge which is in the book, money which has passed on to another hand - in times of need, it is neither (your) knowledge nor money.

Let us look at the above 4 factors in the light of the above slok.


This has made a normal guy depended on the company or owner for his bread and butter. If he does not get SALARY – he can’t survive long. Many guys realize the pain of being depended on somebody for their livelihood. Many think to start their own businesses someday but very few dare to do that. They lose the guts to be on their own after some years.


Ask any questions / information and normal guys goes to GOOGLE. The mindset has become such that, if something is not in GOOGLE, it may not exist only. Many times when I share my own research with my WELL EDUCATED client – they search in Google and when they do not find, they ask me, how come this is not published in GOOGLE.

In a way GOOGLE has created mental SLAVERY.


I read advertisements – Visa - It’s your life / Master card – Making girls fall in love since 1966.

Patience and self-confidence has touched the new low over the years. Normal guys have been trained in such a way that they want to go for instant consumption whether they have money of not. So, why wait till you earn money, just swipe your card and enjoy today.

If my friend is driving a CAR and I am not having it, then there must be something terribly wrong with me. So, why wait, swipe a CARD and take home the CAR. The same goes for all impulsive purchases.

Buffett has always said – “If you buy what you don’t need, you will have to sell what you need”.
If short, this is also adding to the MENTAL SLAVERY to the extent you have used it to buy things to prove others that you can also enjoy.

I have personally seen the guys having 5-10 cards and they keep on rolling balance from one card to other card and making the CARD companies rich day by day. They appear enjoying their life but deep down they are worrying about NEXT SALARY and NEXT CARD PAYMENT.


Market is volatile and unpredictable. If you manage your money, you will lose. Better give it to experts. Experts are well equipped to manage your money. Just give your money to them and relax. They will earn for you. What a LOGIC? Most educated guys have surrendered to this logic.

So, while earning you are depended on JOB. While you are spending you are dependent on CREDIT CARD companies. Your knowledge is dependent on GOOGLE and your money is with MUTUAL FUND guys.

In spite of these things – a GUY considers him “I am INDEPENDENT”!!

Opportunity for you

I follow BUFFETT MODEL in spirit and words. I am making tons of money. I am teaching the same to all my clients who really want to live STRES FREE LIFE and make them FINANCIALLY INDEPENDENT over a period of time.

If you want to be your own boss, if you want to live life king size without worrying about the NEXT SALARY or CARD PAYMENT, you will have to master the FINE ART OF INVESTMENT, may be today or may be tomorrow.

Make your OWN CHOICE.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 /

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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