Do you think, “ARJUN and KRISHANA were the real HEROS of MAHABHARAT WAR?”

November 10, 17

Do you think, “ARJUN and KRISHANA were the real HEROS of MAHABHARAT WAR?”

Greetings from Hitesh! Our regular readers have appreciated our last post on Poly-Psychic Nature. Thanks from being regular reader. I keep on studying various effects of MEDIA management on public mind. One such thing has happened in the past also. We all believe that ARJUN & KRISHANA were the HEROS of MAHABHARAT war. Am I right? Let us understand this in little details.


Most Guys are under impression that ARJUN was the HERO of MAHABHARAT WAR. He was given the DIVYA GYAN of GEETA by Lord KRISHNA himself. He was the BEST Archer of his TIME. When you think of MAHABHARATA – you think of ARJUN & KRISHANA and GEETA. In fact, ARJUN has become the main character of MAHABHARATA. People ASPIRE to become like ARJUN or PARENTS wants their son to be like ARJUN. Am I right?

Let us look at the FACTS of MAHABHARAT WAR:-

There were 100 KAURVA BROTHERS / GURU DHRON / BHISMA / SHAKUNI / KARNA / JAYDRHATH and many others in the opposite group when the FIGHT STARTED.

ARJUN was not ready to fight, as he did not want to KILL his ELDERS, Relatives and Brothers. He asked lot of Intelligent Questions to KRISHNA before the starting of the war. After getting all his ANSWERS he promised lord KRISHNA in 70th SLOK of GEETA chapter 18 – “my Delusions are DESTROYED / I have gained my MEMORY/ I am FIRM Now / My Doubts are GONE / I will do AS PER YOUR WORD”

Look at his performance in MAHABHRAT after this PROMISE:-

1.   All 100 KAURVA Brothers were killed by Bhim alone!! He never asked any questions. Just Did it.
2.  Guru DHRON was killed by DHRISTADHUME.
3.  BHISHMA was killed by SHIKANDI
4.  KARNA & JAYDRATHA were killed by ARJUN that too with lot of HELP of KRISHNA

If you look the above list – the major work was done by BHIM!! In spite of listening to GEETA – ARJUN did not KILL his RELATIVES!! (He was told KARNA was his brother after KARNA Was killed!!)

In fact, his knowledge was so superficial that he could not SAVE KRISHNA’s wives from getting looted when KRISHNA had left the EARTH.

How MEDIA affects NORMAL GUYS mind in current times?

In current time also NORMAL guys are taken for a ride by ARJUN – KRISHNA kind of stories.

Normal guys are taken for a ride by MEDIA to invest in Mutual Funds and SIP and such other products where they take the RISK and major profit is taken b Fund houses.

Brain washing is done in such a systematic way that most qualified guys have started to support the MUTUAL FUNDS.

But the HERO of the investment is still the investors like RAKESH Jhunjhunwala / NEMISH Shah of ENAM / Dolly Khanna and there are N number of success stories you can find.  They are the BHIM and they take away the major money from the market. When the TITAN moved up to near 800/- in last week, RAKESH wealth moved up by 900Crs in a single day!! Have you ever heard about MUTUAL FUND Investor becoming a BILLIONAIR?

In USA also the story is the same. BUFFETT still rules the chart when it comes to making money from investments. They have more FUND options than Indian investors but still individual investors are more successful than the MUTUAL FUND guys.


This behavior will never lead you to the TOP. Just see in spite of the SILLIEST mistakes YUDHISTHIR became the king because he did what he SAID!!

Bhim was the next important guy in this PANDAV MANAGEMENT. BHIM always believed in DOING. His way of gaining KNOWLEDGE was from DOING.

In fact, if you go by the GEETA first chapter 1 – slok 8 – DURYODHAN said that PANDAV group is MARSHALLED by BHIM. So, the opposite camp also knew who is the real WARRIOR in PANDAV group. Just see DURYODHAN was proved 100% right in his reading about BHIM!! So, BHIM was the real HERO.

Knowledge, which comes from DOING, is the REAL KNOWLEDGE.

How does KRISHNA / ARJUN and BHIM stands in current time?

Krishna is your MEDIA ADVISOR. He recommends many things with the last line that he has no position in any of his recommended shares. He has nothing to gain or lose from his recommendations.

Arjun is your POSTER BOY FUND MANAGER whom you WORSHIP assuming that he is making money for you.

BHIM is the SMART investor as mentioned above. He takes away all the money when above two keep on taking the highlights of the MEDIA.

What NEXT?

If you really want to make big money and want to remain behind the curtain like BHIM, we have ample opportunities to share with you. Just be with us and see the magic in your financial fortune.

Happy Investing.

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Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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