If SUCCESS is RANDOM as per MR.NASSIM TALEB, how come BUFFETT and many others are making tons of money?

Tuesday, June 20, 17

If SUCCESS is RANDOM as per MR.NASSIM TALEB, how come BUFFETT and many others are making tons of money?

Greetings from Hitesh! After a long time I have received a question I would love to deal with. Let us deal with WHAT TALEB said and how to use it in your success.


It is one of the most difficult books I have ever read. It is full of high-sounding words and I learned many new and big words from this book. It took me 3 months to finish this book when I first read it.

As I read and re-read the same I realized what he talks about is very simple – but being an ACADEMICIAN – he likes to use difficult words in his writings. Let us see what he has said in that book.


1.  Overestimate causality, e.g., they see elephants in the clouds instead of understanding that they are in fact randomly shaped clouds that appear to our eyes as elephants (or something else);
2.  Tend to view the world as more explainable than it really is. So they look for explanations even when there are none.
3.  Survivorship Bias. We see the winners and try to “learn” from them, while forgetting the huge number of losers.
4.  Skewed distributions. Many real life phenomena are not 50:50 bets like tossing a coin, but have various unusual and Counter - Intuitive Distribution. An example of this is a 99:1 bet in which you almost always win, but when you lose, you lose all your savings.

How a SMART INDIAN will pick up from this BOOK?

RANDOM word may be NEW and FEARFULL for many. But NORMAL Indian uses better word for it. For Indian mind RANDOM is equal to NASIB – FATE. When he can’t explain anything – he uses the word FATE.

If you read GITA – Lord Krishna has given three statements, which takes care of the total book of Mr.TALEB. (It is unfortunate that we read foreigners but not Indian Spiritual books).

1.    Lord KRISHNA says – Karmanye Vaadhika-raste, Maa Phaleshu Kadachana and GAHANA KARMNO GATI:- If you read these two sloks together – it says – your KARMA is to do your DUTY. You will get the RESUTLS of the same. But there are N number of factors working together while you are doing your KARMA. So, the RESUTLS of your KAMRA is difficult to predict ( GAHANA GATI).

Our MUSLIM friends use a very beautiful sentence when they meet or start something new - Bismillah al rahman al Rahim. What it means is - "In the name of God, most Gracious, most Compassionate". In simple terms it means - The GOD only is MERCIFUL and he can rewards you what is truly in your heart. They are not deep into theory of KARMA. They have left everything to GOD.

In short – there are people who believe in FATE / KARMA or GOD’s MERCY depending on their belief – when they fail to establish the direct relationship of Actions and Results.

So, what TALEB says is not NEW or not unknown to Indian people.

What about SUCCESS?

I have done deep study of why people are successful and why they are not. For TALEB it may not be possible as he is coming from just 300 years old CULTURE but for Indian guy we have a long heritage of more than 10000 years. Our Rishis have done real good research.

On 21st October 2016 – I wrote following post -  Why Arjun Tendulkar, not Pranav Dhanawade was selected in the U-16 West Zone side ( CRICKET). In the same I had explained deep meaning of success. You can read the same post or just go through the jist of the same.

I found the most COMPREHENSIVE FORMULA in GITA chapter 18 slok 13-14.

As per GEETA there are 5 factors of your SUCCESS and FAILURES. They are Place / Performer ( YOU) / ( YOUR) Resources /( YOUR SKILLS) Mixing of all the three and Fate.


Place of BIRTH is the most important factor. Literal meaning of PLACE of birth is the PLACE say MUMBAI/LONDON etc. It also MEANS the FAMILY you are BORN in / the ATMOSPHERE in which you are BORN in / the TIME in WHICH YOU ARE BORN in / PLACE as your RESIDENCE or Your Office. Place has a very comprehensive meaning.

Say you want your DAUGHTER to get married. In the olden times they used to see the FAMILY – KHANDAN and give the daughter!! Place was given more importance.

Place is the most important factor or many times the major FACTOR for your success and failure, rather than you / your skills and your resources. I know so-called intellectuals would not believe me. So let us deal with some examples of today’s time.

Do you think – Had it not been the surname of BACCHAN – ABHISHEK would have got 9th film after successive failures of first 8 movies? I doubt he would have got 2nd film also. Do you think he is the BEST ACTOR that’s why he got? Not many would agree to this.

Let me share an example of MIDDLE EAST COUNTRIES.

If I want to do business there – I need local partner and he is a partner in profit only. Say you are born there. Now, just because you are a CITIZEN of UAE – people like me who want to do business there will have to give you share in the profit without you doing anything or taking a risk in the business. No Qualifications Needed. No Skills Needed. Your biggest qualification for success is the LAW of LAND you are born in. So, PLACE is the most important factor.

Now, if you apply your NORMAL SUCCESS formula of HARD WORK / HONESTY / SINCERITY / INTERGRITY / developing new skills, educating more and more etc. – all will be useless for you in those countries.

Our RISHIS uses the SCIENCE of VASTU to rectify your place and help you grow in your career.


Performer ( YOU):-  This deals with yourself / your goals / your education / your character and things like that. This is 100% in your control and you can work on yourself under any circumstances.

(YOUR) Resources:- This deals with your MAN / MATERIAL and TECHNOLOGY. How is their quality.

(YOUR SKILLS) Mixing of all the three:- Employing a guy with Rs.1 lakh per month salary is one thing and taking a work worth Rs.2 lakh per month is another.

Fate (BHAGYA):- NORMAL guys when he faces failure – he curses his luck. But it is one of the 5 factors in the area of success. Our rishis uses the sciences of ASTROLOGY to deal with issues in your BHAGYA.

What STEPS you MUST take – if you really want SUCCESS in TRADING, INVESTMENTS, JOB or LIFE?

Most of the guys have been taught about working on the middle three factors – YOU / Your RESOURCES and How to use resources. Most trainers earn their BREAD by training you in the MIDDLE THREE FACTORS.

What they lack is the FIRST and the LAST. If you are living an average life in spite of your super track record in education, talent and skill development – you must take guidance on your VASTU and your HOROSCOPE for your and your family’s growth.

At DESTINY MANAGEMENT we provide HOLISTIC GUIDANCE for all the 5 factors of success mentioned by LORD KRISHNA. If you need our help – please approach us.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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