How to HIT the JACKPOT in Investment? For a change we are talking about the EASIEST way.

June 17, 17

How to HIT the JACKPOT in Investment? For a change we are talking about the EASIEST way.

Greetings from Hitesh! Readers have appreciated 21 Rules of SUPER SUCCESSFUL TRDERS / INVESTORS To Make TONS of Money In Share Market. Many have been suggesting talking about JACKPOT calls. Many wanted some Easy way to spot the JACKPOT calls. Let me deal with the same.

Have you heard the story of a Master ARCHER?

I am sure you would have heard the same. But let me repeat the same. Long ago there was an archer and he was the most famous and respected for his ARCHERY. He had never failed in hitting the bull’s eye. However, deep down he was not satisfied as his thoughts were telling him that every time he won was due to the weaknesses of the other guy and not due to his superior skills.

To fulfill his desire he started looking for another champion. He was told that in FAR away town there is one guy who is also famous for his ARCHERY. He decided to go there.

When he reached the town – he saw all the trees / houses / doors were hit by ARROW exactly in the middle of the CIRCLE. He was amazed by what he has seen. Not a single arrow was missing the bull’s eye. It was exactly in the middle. This kind of performance was not possible for him also.

He started inquiring about this person to the villagers. They started laughing at him and said he is not at all ARCHER. He is just a FOOL. They told him that he has not hit the BULL’s EYE. All he has done is to hit the ARROW and CIRCLE it LATER ON.  Due to this it looks that he is a GREAT ARCHER.

The MASTER ARCHER who came all the way realized his folly and went back.

I am sure you would be laughing at the person who was doing such a foolish act. Let us see what NORMAL GUYS do?

What it means for a NORMAL investor?

NORMAL investor also hits the arrow first and then encircles it to prove that he is hitting the bull’s eye.

Look at the investment in FIXED DEPOSITS / MUTUAL FUNDS / SIPS / BONDS / SMALL SAVINGS – all you are doing is the same. You are doing them first and just encircling it.

Look at all the financial LITERATURE being taught in MBA and used in practice - also supporting your foolish act.

1.  I am surprised that how come the person following all the financial wisdom of the financial literature / following all the experts coming on MEDIA – are not becoming BUFFETT or RAKESH?

2.  My surprise goes up when I see that NORMAL guys are becoming HAPPY with those MEDIOCRE performances of their investments by following all the EXPERTS. They are not able to see that their STRATEGY is not taking them towards RAKESH or BUFFETT.

3.  NORMAL guys are not even ready to ask these questions to their EXPERTS, in spite of observing these.

BUFFETT / RAKESH / SOROS are the true ARCHER like our MASTER ARCHER in the story and they literally try to HIT THE BULL’s EYE in the given CIRCLE. They are ready to FAIL but they are not ready to settle with MEDIOCRE performance.

Are you still missing real HAPPINESS in your life in spite of all your MATERIAL WEALTH and SUCCESS?

I have been observing rising level of missing happiness in the today’s generation in spite of more money and more resources at their disposal.

They are passing life instead of living life. Enjoyment comes only and only when you squeeze the life to the fullest. Deep down they know that they are finding short cuts in everything they are doing. When you go for SHORT CUTS – you life becomes HOLLOW within. You are living a FAKE LIFE.

In PATANJALI YOG SUTRA – PATANJALI is talking about 8 steps to SUPER CONSCIOUSNESS (SAMADHI). This is the most HOLISTIC and SCIENTIFIC formula he has shared and the same can be applied in day today living without doing yog. He talks about 5 YAM (AHIMSA / SATYA / NON STEALING / CELIBACY and NON GREED) and 5 NIYAM (CLEANLINESS / CONTENTMENT / AUTERITY / STUDY OF GOOD BOOKS / Surrender to GOD) as the first two steps.

If you follow the 5 yam and 5 niyam – they will lead to PERSONAL / SOCIAL and SPIRITUAL Discipline in your life. When discipline comes – you will LIVE your life and not pass your life.

How to HIT the JACKPOT?

Just follow what JESSE LIVERMORE USED to say….

“The game of speculation is the most uniformly fascinating game in the world. But it is not a game for the stupid, the mentally lazy, the person of inferior emotional balance, or the get-rich-quick adventurer. They will die poor.”

In my 25 years plus journey – I have observed above traits in the NORMAL guys who have suffered heavy losses. They are ready to losse LAKHS and CRORES on FREE TIP but they are not ready to spend on their TRAINING which can take them to higher levels. This is the IRONY.

You need HOLISTIC TRAINING to hit the jackpot. If you have been in the market for more than 3 years and if you have not achieved any major success – you are doing something wrong. Try working on yourself.

If you want to work on yourself and also want to earn money regularly from market – then be with us for 3 years.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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