What Professional Investors DO that Normal Investors DON’T?

Monday, June 26, 17

What Professional Investors DO that Normal Investors DON’T?

Greetings from Hitesh! We are about to complete the first 6 months of 2017. What a period? Market has made new high and those who followed us also enjoyed the time. Many just kept on thinking. Many are thinking even now. Today I will share unique behavior of NORMAL investors.


The current statistics of BUYERS and SELLERS shows unique data. As per the data by SEBI – FIIS and MUTUAL FUNDS are sellers and RETAIL GUYS are buyers (Normal Investors)! There is a huge jump in Number of DEMAT and Trading Account being opened. All these are happening when the market is at all time high. (Incidentally – we had categorically predicated market would touch new highs thanks to LARGER number of NORMAL guys coming to the market way back in November 2016).

From 2009, I have been telling them and they are coming in 2017!! Why? Today I will share my views on PROFESSION INVESTORS and it may help normal investors to approach investment in a better way next time.

What PROFESSIONAL Investors Do?

Let me share some of the major difference between professionals and normal investors.


This is the FIRST and MOST important difference between the two. For Professional investors – investment is a profession and he is coming into this field out of CHOICE.

I look at the most guys – they are in the market out of accident. They are investing because their business / job is throwing SURPLUS CASH and they have nothing better to do. In last 6 months most guys have come into MARKET, as they have no BUSINESS/JOB post demonetization.  Many more will come due to GST in coming months. They consider themselves investors – because they have TRADING CODE given by their broker.

For Professional Investors – investment is their CHOICE and main source of BREAD and BUTTER.


We consult MEDICAL / LEGAL and ACCOUNT PROFESSIONALS because they have taken proper education in their respective field.

Same way professional investors takes education to become professional investors. Most have their DEGREES in finance / legal areas with CONTINUOUS and NEVER ENDING UPGRADATION to their KNOLEDGE and SKILLS. They invest LAKHS and CRORES to get required skill set for their investments goals.

One WALL STREET TRADER had paid USD 10 million (Rs.60 Crs) for just 12 session of 1 hour each – Rs.5 Crs for 1 hour per month – to ANTHONY ROBINNS so that he can make USD 500 MILLION in a DAY!!  He took 9 months to achieve his goal.

This kind of KILLING instinct can come only and only if you have made decision to become INVESTOR in the first place. When you DECIDE to do, you will invest any amount in FEES to reach to your destination.

The problem with NORMAL INVESTOR is – they have not taken conscious decision to become investor – so they find it EDUCATION unnecessary and when they see something unnecessary – whatever they have to pay for it – is also unnecessary. They PREFER MEDIA TIPS or FREE TIPS to proper education.


Will you go to a person who has studied just books of MBBS and not passed it? NO. You will go to a guy who has passed it also. 

Same way professional investors have cleared their examinations and they have their certificates for the same. Passing an examination proves that whatever you have learned is retained in your system.

To think about EXAMINATION for investment is beyond the imagination of NORMAL investors.


Quality of your investment experience decides whether you have taken proper education or not.

If you are earning insignificant amount compared to your goals/desire/efforts you need to look into your EDUCATION.

In the above example – the guy who paid USD 10 million for just12 sessions was interested in having an experience of making USD 500 million in one day. If you want better experience compared to your current one – you must be ready to invest in your education.

Whenever you are feeling STAGNANCY in your investment performance – it’s a time for you to go for further education. You need to empower yourself with NEW SKILLS and NEW WAYS of dealing with the market.


Ethics is a code of conduct of each of the profession. There are Do’s and Don’ts for an investment profession also.

Most NORMAL INVESTORS copy Do’s and Don’ts from the MEDIA and other successful guys. This is 100% wrong.

Your Do’s and Don’ts must come out of your own experience and it should never be a COPY PASTE.

After making losses many NORMAL guys tells that I will never come to the market. This is the MOST FUNNY DON’T coming out of HALF HEARTED efforts.

He has never decided to become investors consciously in the first place / he has not taken proper education for the same / he has no experience in all the market conditions for a long time – all he has is very shallow market experience / hearsay knowledge of investment and lot of GREED and FEAR.

Ethics is a sum total of your investment life. Today when BUFFETT talks – world listens to him because he has experience of 60 years!! He has seen the MANDI / TEJI and STEADY MARKET CYCLES for N number of times. He has gone wrong for 1000 of times and now what he says – it is his own ETHICS. It has a MEANING for all of us. If someone just copy paste what he says – he can’t become Buffett. 


We take just 3 steps.

We have kept an entry BARRIER of charging TOKEN FEES at the time of joining us. Our small fees make them think about their priorities of investing. 9 out of 10 guys gets instant knowledge about their inner motives that they are not serious investor and investment is not their 1st GOAL. They just RUN AWAY after initial inquiry.

We suggest them to be with us for at least 3 years (Doctors and Lawyers study for 5 to 15 years). We have no way to force anybody. But 28 years of experience tells me that you need minimum 3 years to master any system.

Once they remain with us – they get 100% practical training in the market along with the easy to understand education.

If people have really BIG goals – we guide them HOLISTICALLY for other areas such as DETAILED INVESTMENT PSYCHOLOGY / ADVANCED INVESTMENT SCIENCE / Ancient Indian Sciences like Astrology and many more.

What NEXT?

If you have not joined us for XYZ reason in the past – I suggest – rethink your decision and join us NOW.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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