Our call on USA / Gold and Dollar – we are going 100% correct, once again.

May 7, 17

Our call on USA / Gold and Dollar – we are going 100% correct, once again.

Greetings from Hitesh! Our last post on BITCOIN was most read and many guys have congratulated us for our call. Thanks for the same. Today we are trying to see where is USA is heading and how it can impact WORLD MARKET / GOLD and USD in the LONG RUN.

Let us see what we have said for USA so far.

On Sunday, August 23, 15 – we had written our post titled - Why USA is burning? How it can affect World Market? Must read for NRIs staying in USA. We had also written other post on 10th  NOV.,2016? - Our Two More MAJOR PREDICTIONS have come CORRECT - PREDICTION on USA and Indian Public will SUFFER due to political moves.

You can read the both on our BLOG. Here we will share our calls given in that post. No doubt we have gone 100% correct in all of them so far.

1.   The passing of Pluto on Pluto from the 8th house (house of DEATH) is the major issues going on in USA now. Pluto ENTERED CAPRICORN on 27th January 2008 and it will remain in Capricorn till January 2024!! Look at the EVENTS in USA post January 2008.                         

2.   Neptune is passing in Pisces in 10th house. It is aspecting transiting SUN / MERCURY and JUPITER in Virgo. Just see they are extending DEBT limit / issuing QE and creating an Illusion of GRWOTH!! It shows GOVT is also in some Illusion or supporting this Illusion.

3.   These stars indicate a challenging time for USA till year 2024 and people staying in USA. We have been boldly telling our NRI friends in USA to transfer their money in India and invest in India. We have already given a BOLD call that USD will touch Rs.35 to Rs.45 in the long run. USD has come down from Rs.69 to Rs.64 in recent months.

4.   We have also suggested don’t go to USA for settlement NOW – if you are going FRESH as coming times as per STARS do not look positive. – TRUMP is making it difficult for outsiders to get the job there.   

5. What PLUTO has to do with TRUMP? The way TRUMP has behaved while campaigning for Election / the language he has used and his past track record makes it perfect candidate for USA’s REGENRATION. Now, regeneration can’t happen without DEATH!! So, USA has to die first. Economically it is already DEAD but somehow they are not declaring it as dead. – the current rise in DEBT limit is the PROOF of it that USA is BANKRUPT.

6. I think TRUMP will call it a DAY in coming 8 years (assuming he wins again after 4 years). I will not be surprised if his Anti-Muslim and Arrogance attitude will add fuel to already passing WORLD WAR-3 like situations going forward. – he has already started doing that as mentioned above.

These were the broad conclusions of my study and Praise Lord – same things are happening with USA and TRUMP is also behaving to fulfill DESTINY’s Desire.

Let us see what TRUMP has done in the LAST 100 Plus days.


Before being elected, Trump said the US should get out of Afghanistan, Iraq and should not be in Syria. He also warned Hillary Clinton would attack Syria and get the US into World War III.

Since being elected Trump has dropped the Mother Of All Bombs on Afghanistan and has attacked Syria, bringing the US into direct confrontation with Russia and he is also on the verge of attacking North Korea which could bring the US into direct conflict with China.

On 27th Feb., 2017 – TRUMP proposed 9% hike in US defense budget to USD 603 Billion, up by USD 54 billion.

(He is adding to the WAR LIKE SITUATIONS – which we had told long back in above post).


Friday, 5th May, 2017, the House passed another massive yearly "Omnibus Appropriations" spending bill which came in at a whopping $1.163 trillion! That's more than Obama spent last year.

American's who thought Donald Trump was really going to bring hope and change must really be shocked to see spending as huge, or huger than Obama's.

Over the last 3 fiscal years, each of the US government's yearly spending bills, or yearly "Omnibus Appropriations Acts" as parasitic bureaucrats like to call them, have been over $1 trillion US dollars.

Last year, the Omnibus Appropriations Act "appropriated" $1.067 trillion.

And back in December 2015, the senate and house under the Obama administration approved a similarly large spending bill at $1.1 trillion.

And now the Donald has surpassed them all, with $1.163 trillion.

And have no doubt that this is approved by Trump.

(NEPTUNE will lead to increase in DEBT as the GDP Growth is ILLUSION – we had said above).

What it means for USA CITIZENS?

All your current enjoyments will be recovered from your KIDS or KIDS KID. Each Govt is creating DEBT after DEBT and they have no solid plans for generating revenue except WAR.

This also highlights the HYPOCRACY of the politicians – be it TRUMP or MODI or PUTIN.  In one of the post we had said that about 10 odd families are controlling the world. They decide what we should THINK / LEARN / BELIEVE and LIVE the life. They want ROBOTS and not thinking people. Just copy and paste this link and see what Mr.GEORGE CARLIN says about USA? Must see this 3 minutes video.


What TRUMP is doing in NUTSHELL?

1.  He is trying to create WAR like situations so that ARMS companies can recover their money.
2.  He is increasing the DEBT – so that FRIENDLY corporate can sell their goods to US citizens and US Governments and show that they are profitable companies.
3.  He is supporting DEGLOBALISATION. He is going 100% reverse from GLOBALISATION DRIVE which US was supporting and making other countries follow.  

All these are done in the name of job creations and GDP growth. I see BAD times for USA / USA DOLLAR till 2024!!

DOLLAR hit the ROCK Bottom against BITCOIN – BITCOIN Moved up by 50%, it means dollar decreased against BITCOIN by massive 50% in just 3 months. This is the BEST PROOF that you should not HOLD DOLLAR for USA based guys or DOLLAR BASED ASSETS for outside USA guys.

What it means for GOLD?

Gold is also DOLLAR based asset. It will also move up with the dollar going down. But if you are belonging to other countries than USA – you may find that GOLD is not moving up in PERCENTAGE TERMS in your currency as much as it is moving in DOLLAR due to EXCHANGE RATE of our country with USA.
Gold is the best hedge against USD. This is good for NRIs staying in USA. One should buy / add gold in all dips and hold till 2024!! This is long term CYCLE and should not waste time in PREDICTING day-to-day movement for INDIAN GUYS as RUPEE is getting stronger against USD in recent times.

What NEXT?

Needless to say that our call on USA given way back in August 2015 – without knowing whether TRUMP will come or not – is going 100% correct. This is the beauty of my system – it is not person driven. It is conclusion DRIVEN. We tell you what we SEE. The executer may be anybody.

What about India?

There are lots many opportunities in EQUITIES in INDIA for coming 15 years. I had given call in 2012 that India will be SUPER POWER between 68th years to 86th years of Independence ( i.e. 2014 to 2032).

After our call RIDHAM DESAI is saying GRAND MOTHER OF ALL BULL is coming in coming 10 – 15 years. He STUDIED lot of DATA and TEAM OF EXPERTS gave him the various aspects. I am lucky, as I have most advanced system of studying the market compared to FIIs.

If you really want to make tons of money the place is Indian Equities for coming years. My calls are the best testimonials for my skill sets. If you like – you can join us.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 / www.hiteshmparikh.com

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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