Reliance JIO V/s. PAYTM V/s. CREDIT or DEBIT CARD V/s. Other Online / Offline Payment Methods

December 2, 16

Reliance JIO V/s. PAYTM V/s. CREDIT or DEBIT CARD V/s. Other Online / Offline  Payment Methods

Greetings from Hitesh! Most people with open mind and understanding of economics could see the points we have made in our last post for coming time for normal people in India and Indian economy. Most of the YESTERDAY’s PRINT MEDIA was also showing the same concern what we talked about in the POST.

With the BAN on NOTE there are N numbers of ONLINE/OFFLINE payment options are available to all the guys. Which one to choose? We will deal with them in today’s post.

But before that let us deal with some of the questions.

1.    Was these payment options introduced NOW or they were there before the NOTE BAN?
2.    If they were already there – how come most of the guys were not using?
3.    Were they stopped or they were not using out of choice?
4.    If they were not using above options out of CHOICE – can they blame MR.MODI for making them stand in the QUEUE?
5.    It is a FACT that NORMAL guys are suffering – but can they 100% blame MR. MODI’s NOTE BAN for their suffering?
6.    If they are not ready to CHANGE their METHODS or ADAPT to the NEW TECHNOLOGY – should MODI also not CHANGE?

Let us see the OTHER SIDE of the coin today.

It is a FACT that people are suffering and Economy will also suffer heavily due to this move. Somebody has said – “NOBODY can make you UNHAPPY, If you are NOT READY to become UNHAPPY”.

Unhappiness and trouble of NORMAL guys is not due to MR.MODI. Somewhere their ATTITUDE of NOT ADAPTING to NEW TECHNOLOGY is the cause. Their resistance to change is the cause. Their short sight vision of dealing with CASH / SAVING some TAX is responsible. Their LAZYNESS of going to BANK is responsible. This behavior is visible not only in uneducated guys only but also in highly educated guys.

Most NORMAL guys choose EASY over SIMPLE. They want EASY life and not SIMPLE life.

Who is responsible for their BEHAVIOUR?

Way back ANTHONY ROBBINS taught me – “your questions decide your DECISIONS and your DECISIONS decide your DESTINY.”

They ask WRONG Questions and they take WRONG DECISIONS and ultimately they suffer.

Some of the questions or thoughts they have:-

1.    What is the NEED of using CARD when we have CASH?

2.    Who will go to BANK to pay or deposit the money?  It’s a waste of time.
3.    Why we keep our money in BANK?

4.    If we deal with the CARD – some FRAUD may happen and we may end up losing money.

5.    My HOUSE MAID or MILK MAN or VEGITABLE VENDOR or PROVISION SHOP will not accept CHEQUES. So, I need cash for them.

6.    I am too old to learn all these TECHONOLOGY. I prefer my old ways of dealing with CASH only.

Those who are suffering NOW – are the guys having above ATTITUDE or asking above questions. They had wrong interpretations of the coming scenario / they were not ready to change and now they are suffering. Since they are not 100% honest to look within and BLAME themselves – they are blaming MR.MODI.

They are not standing in QUEUE so that INDIA can CHANGE or ACHHE DIN will come or Corruption will stop. They are standing in QUEUE because they have NO CHOICE now.

When the choices were there – they did not change. The best thing is to start using any of the above methods given in the title of the post – NOW.


1.    What is the NEED of paying fees and appointing PERSONAL INVESTMENT CONSULTANT?

2.    We can do ONLINE RESEARCH / READ PAPERS / TAKE FREE TIPS from our BROKERS/ FRIENDS/ TV analysts and do investments.

3.    What is the GAURANTEE that we can make money by appointing him?

See the above questions – they are 100% wrong questions. When you ask above questions – you can never take RIGHT decisions.

My last 25 years of dealing with 1000s of guys tells me that they do not want to appoint consultant because they do not want to CHANGE rather than paying the FEES. They know – if they appoint consultant – he would start giving advices and they will have to FOLLOW. They do not want to take that pain of following. Money is not the REAL question. Look into our HEART, this is the real issue.

What NEXT?

When you ask above questions always remember the FATHER of Indian SHARE MARKET – DHIRUBHAI AMBANI.

He had asked his engineers while building Reliance PLANT in JAMNAGAR – what will be the EXTRA cost if we make the plant earth quake proof up to 8 magnitudes on RICHTER SCALE? (They had prepared the projection for 6 magnitudes).

The EXTRA cost was Rs.1500 Crs in those days. He PAID and his plant was INTACT in 2001 earth quack, which was 7.9 magnitudes!! His EXTRA cost of Rs.1500 Crs saved his 100% of CAPITAL.

America’s master motivator MR.JIG ZIGLAR used to tell – “When you pay the price, you don’t incur the cost, you enjoy the benefits”.

On November 22, 16 we wrote - December 2008 V/s. December 2016 – Same SITUATIONS  – are you ready to GRAB the OPPORTUNITIES?. Nifty moved up from 7900 to 8250 during this period. Those who paid us made tons of money in last 10 days!!

Market has a long way to go. We have already told you NIFTY target of 15000. If you have not joined me due to any of the above questions – I suggest ask RIGHT questions and approach us NOW.

Wish you HAPPY Investing.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 /

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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