Hitesh Parikh’s Call on GOLD / SILVER / CRUDE & USD for 2017

December 29, 16

Hitesh Parikh’s Call on GOLD / SILVER / CRUDE & USD for 2017

Greetings from Hitesh! Thanks a ton for making our last two posts most read. On December 26, 16, we had written - How do we see market in 2017?. If you have not read the same – I suggest you should read it and plan your investments accordingly. Today I am going to deal with GOLD / SILVER /CRUDE and USD. Let us start with GOLD.

Gold in 2016:-

We had given a bold call to buy GOLD on 5th November 2015 and on 15th January 2016. The gold had moved from Rs.25000 to Rs.65000 in Indian market. Official rate also made Rs.34000 during November 2016. Our target was Rs.41000 and we are happy that Gold has crossed our target by 50%. This is the advantage of following Hitesh Parikh. Many guys have sold the gold in CASH and deposited their money in BANK during Demonetisation Drive.

Current rate of GOLD is around Rs.27000 per 10 grams and we see this rate going up in 2017!! We recommend BUY and ADD at every level.

The basic logic of EXPERTS for gold going down is USD moving up. So, they are talking about GOLD prices going down. For the same logic I am saying GOLD will go up. How?

Today the USD is equal to Rs.68. If it goes up to Rs.75, Gold prices will move up in India by minimum 10%. We have 10% import duty plus VAT 1% - so add another 11% to that cost and GOLD prices will always remain up or steady in India, in spite of it falling in USD terms, if at all it falls. Now, if the GOVT reduces the IMPORT DUTY – our landing cost will come down but we can’t control the USD!! Looking at ANTI GOLD attitude of the Govt. and coming GST implementation, chances of reduction in gold import duty looks remote.  

The solid reasons for buying GOLD are Ground Realities of the WORLD we are living in today.

1.    Overall many parts of the world are facing WAR like situations and anything can happen anytime.
2.    US economy, though it looks doing good – may not perform well in coming quarters and FED may not increase the RATE as declared by them in last meetings in December 2016.
3.    If you look at India SPECIFIC reasons – our Govt has created severe CASH crunch and they have denied the cash withdrawals in the past months. In the situations of Personal EMERGENCY – Gold can be very helpful if you can’t generate CASH on immediate basis.           (Don’t judge India’s situation from Mumbai or Metro city’s standard.)
4.    Another FACT is CHINA and RUSSIA are adding GOLD as if there is no TOMORROW. This is a MAJOR factor in favor of GOLD buying, which NO MEDIA is talking about!! Just read between the lines.
5.    GOLD is a GAURNATEE of PEACE for the Indian Citizen in 2017.
6.    I see SILVER also doing well along with GOLD in 2017.
7.    So, make GOLD and SILVER – part of your portfolio as per your RISK taking capacity.


On 20th December 2015 in our post titled – How about seeing USA as oil exporting country – we had given following call on CRUDE….
We see CRUDE is about to bottom out. Now crude is trading around Rs.2400 on MCX. With the fall in international prices – it may go down further for SHORT PERIOD of time.

If you are a commodity player and you have a patience to hold CRUDE for 6 months and more – I suggest you go on adding in SMALL LOTS at every decline.

CRUDE will surely FLY. Remember me in DEC., 2016!!

If you are international TRADER – you can buy in USD and forget. You will bless me. CRUDE is about to TAKE A “U” TURN!!”
Currently CRUDE made USD 55 from USD 31 in last DECEMBER  - gain of 77% in a year!! It was a FREE ADVISE  - did you follow? For MCX traders the price moved up from Rs.2400 to Rs.3700!! Gain of 54% !! What else you want from us? Just bless us for our timely calls.

Warren Buffett also bought stake in CRUDE REFINERY Company PHILIPS 66 in JANUARY. We were ahead of Mr.Buffett in seeing the TREND.

For the year 2017 – I see CRUDE will move up further.

Mr.Modi V/s. FIIS:-

Demonetisation has spoiled the FIIs game. To top it Mr.Modi is planning 40% TAX or more TAX on Foreign Portfolio Investors. This is DOUBLE WHAMMY for them. They will have to recover their losses and they will jack up prices of CRUDE.

If you see USD moving up – CRUDE landing cost will also move up automatically in India. In both the cases CURDE will surely move up. You must not ignore CRUDE from your TRADING portfolio in 2017.


We see this is also moving up due to various factors. Not necessarily US rate hike. If the rate hike does not happen then also the USD will move up!! So, USD should also be part of your 2017 portfolio.

What NEXT?

If you want to know the EXACT timings of BUY and SELL – you can join our personalized services and make tons of money.

Many friends are joining our services for 2017. We invite you to join us ASAP.

Opportunities do not wait for anybody. You just have to GRAB it with two hands.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh / WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 / www.hiteshmparikh.com

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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