History Proves, Humans have not Learned Anything from History. What about Mr.Modi?
December 11, 16
History Proves, Humans have
not Learned Anything from History. What about Mr.Modi?
Greetings from Hitesh! Most of our
post have become the most read in the last 3 months and the number of readers
are going up day after day. Many new friends have joined us and started making
tons of money from the day one.
Why I am talking about History Today?
I was thinking about READING
HABITS of Mr.Modi. It is a well-known fact that Mr.Modi was a VORACIOUS reader
and he always advocated reading books to the masses. (I assume – he might not
be reading that much now a days due to time constraints). If you listen to his
SPEECHES, you will appreciate his command on the language and vocabulary.
Because the dialogues are coming from WITHIN – he is able to DRAMATIZE the same
on STAGE 100% naturally.
I am sure he would have surely
read many books on HISTORY. Somebody has said beautifully – “History Proves, Humans have not Learned Anything from
History”. Let us see for Mr.Modi.
What is recorded in the Indian History?
Go back in the past as long as you
can. Two things are proved without a doubt. First - India is blessed with lot of
GODLY people. Let us START with RAM / KRISHNA / BUDDHA / 21 Tirthankar’s of
list can go on and on. In fact, I will fail to list all of them. There are N
numbers of them. They were changing Indians out of
Second observation - Data
shows that Selective Individuals would have changed under their COMPASSION but
Masses of India have not changed a BIT in last so many Millenniums.
Change by compassion is like
BREAKING of EGG from WITHIN. Change by AUTHORITY is like a BREAKING of EGG from
OUTSIDE. When EGG breaks from within – LIFE comes out. When it BREAKS from
outside – life goes away and you can use the matter for OMLETTE or Half Fry. The fact is – it is broken from outside NOW – so that you
can have OMLETTE or Half Fry. You don’t want LIFE from it!!
Now, if you kill the HEN (Economy),
you will have No EGG (No Business) and No OMLETTE and No Half Fry (Tax Income).
How our DNA helps us to deal
with such situations?
It is believed that we have taken
N number of LIFE before the current birth. For all the birth – we have gone
through some or the other experiences – GOOD or BAD. Our DNA has that memory
stored in us. It guides us in such situations.
Let me share an example of LOOTS
in India. Outsiders have looted India in last 2500 years or so. Look at CHANKYA
in 326 BC – he was facing ALEXANDAR in his time. We had MOHAMMAD GAZNI / Taimur
Lane / Muslim Rulers and English Rulers in the last 1200 years. From 1947, we
So, our DNA has the memory of loot
happening to us in our past lives. We know how to deal with them intuitively or
by reflexes. Same thing happened this time also.
All the money came back to RBI and
experts are puzzled how this can happen? The Logics of ending corruption and
stopping black money have gone 1000% wrong – if you look at the MEDIA reports
of NEW NOTES and GOLD SEIZURE in last week. A leading private bank in DELHI is
being RAIDED for the same. Terrorism has also not stopped. In fact, in the
first 10 days of demonetization only – they killed 7 of our JAWANS!! The THREE
MAIN objectives for which Mr.Modi took the step of DEMONETISATION have not been
ACHIEVED at all, as on today.
When we gave a BLUNT call
that India will face – HYPER INFLATION and TAXES will go up in coming time –
some of the non-economic understanding readers did not like our analyses. It was hurting to their Ego to
accept that their NEW GOD can go WRONG so much.
(After our call - RBI has also
said the same thing in last week’s credit policy. They expect inflation to
shoot up and that is the reason NOT to REDUCE the RATE!! Mr.Urjit Patel had
strongly indicated a rate cut this time in his previous policy statement but he
might not be aware that DEMONETISATION is coming at that time).
Have you been BRAIN WASHED that INDIA
I hear many guys sharing a VIEW
that India is a PUNYA BHUMI and that’s why we have so many GODLY people taking
a BIRTH in India. On the face of this – the logic looks perfect. You can’t
argue with this statement, am I right?
What is the FACT?
The fact is 100% reverse. Just see
any mother next door or your own mother. She would FOCUS more attentions to the
WEAKEST CHILD from her CHILDREN. She would be more concerned for weak child’s health
and future. She would give more time to this child compared to others. Am I
Knowing the INDIAN’s mentality,
Mother NATURE kept on sending us Great Souls to awaken us from the time you can
recollect. But Indian masses are the same what they were!!
If they have FAILED – DOES it MEAN
Mr.MODI should NOT TRY to Initiate a CHANGE?
This is a WRONG question. He must
take initiatives and measures, which he thinks, can bring good time for India
in the long term. But his approach should be as suggested by Lord Krishna to
ARJUN in Gita chapter 2, slok number 38.
Sukha dukha same kritva labha alabho jaya
ajayau I
Tatah yuddhaya yujyasva na evam papam
avapsyasi II sloka 38
सुख दुख समे कृत्वा लभ अलभो जय अजयौ ।
ततः युद्दाय युजस्व न एवं पापं अवाप्स्यसि ।। श्लोक ३८
Treating alike pain
& pleasure, gain & loss, victory & defeat, engage yourself in battle. Thus
you will incur no sin.
The above will be ALIKE only and only
when you do not have EGO and ARROGANCE. For persons with EGO and ARROGANCE –
they CREATE SIN for themselves and LARGER HARM for the MASSES.
What HISTORY says about INDIAN
The RULERS and RULLING system have changed in last 2500 years.
But the fact has remained that NORMAL guys had to suffer under all of them by
one or the other PRETEXT. Either they were looted at the SWORD/GUN point or
they paid the compulsory TAXES in more refined world.
Very FEW occasions have been registered in the LONG Indian
History where the NORMAL guys were living happily / prospering under some
rulers for GENERATIONS due to GOOD KING or LEADER. However, there are N numbers
of examples of individual success available under any of the rulers in the long
history due to their OWN EFFORTS.
Mr.Modi could sell the DREAM of ACCHE DIN to MASSES?
The main slogan of MODI campaign was bringing ACCHE DIN to
masses. He could sell this dream because MASSES do not want to CHANGE on their
OWN. Masses have no long-term memory – look at what happened to CLEAN INDIA
MOVEMENT? For a Month it was okay – but now – the masses have gone back to
their old behaviors.
History proves that Masses had never taken any initiatives –
unless they were forced to take. To be fair to Mr.Modi – he declared IDS and
gave chance to each of the countryman to clean their money. He had also said
that after 30th September, I will take drastic steps and he did. But
look at MASSES. Did they change?
E.g. When IDS was declared and kept open for a long time –
masses did not join that. But now, all of them are ROAD for MONEY. This time
also – their JUGADOO nature came out and they found out ways to settle their
CASH balances.
Masses are in DEEP SLEEP – you can wake up them for a SMALL
period of time and as your attention shifts – they will fall into SLEEP again.
So, wasting effort to change MASSES will never take you to the next levels.
History also says whenever to change MASSES – if you KILL the RICH
class – the country has gone into ECONOMIC TROUBLE (RUSSIA is the best
example). Rich classes are the one who have brought ACCHE DIN in their life on
their own efforts and they are the real change agents in the economy. They
PRODUCE by employing the MASSES in their businesses. Now, if they are KILLED –
who will support MASSES?
(Just see MANY FACTORIES are closed all over India in last 33
days and lakhs of LABOURERS are without JOB).
Our economy was on the PATH of improvement and the current step
has derailed India from the GROWTH PATH. If the RAIN is not proper in 2017, the
BAD effect will multiply.
Should a LEARNED person like Mr.Modi who knows the HISTORY very
well - take such a STEP? I wish he answers this some day.
What it
means for you?
If you are waiting for ACCHE DIN coming to all
INDIANS at large – let me give you good news – they will never come (I have proved above with the SUPPORT of HISTORY). But if you want to bring ACCHE DIN in your LIFE – you can
Thanks to CASH CRUNCH – most of
you will have lot of FREE time in your business routine. Learn investment while
you are RELATIVELY FREE NOW. It will support your income in the times to come. (Inflation
will shoot up – just keep this in mind).
If moneymaking is your GOAL in DWINDLING
ECONOMY – approach us and make tons of money from the day one.
Wish you all a very HAPPY SUNDAY.
Live With
Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.
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