Monday, August 1, 16


Greetings from Hitesh! We have been talking about WORLD war since MARCH 2014. On 20th June 2014, we had written our most bold call with a title -  What Will You Do, if IRAQ situation turns into 3rd World War? (If you read this, you will be 10yrs ahead from your friends). You can still read this post on our blog.

Looking at the world scenario – I thought it is a right time to update on the situation. Let us look at 7 burning issues of the present.


At the moment, this fractured Middle Eastern nation is probably the most likely candidate to spark WW3. You have armed Russian and American aircraft in close proximity to each other at all times, radicalized Islamic extremists battling the Syrian government, Iranian backed Hezbollah units (who happen to be enemies of Israel), Turkish machinations, and Saudi financiers. And let’s not forget that all of these actors are in it for themselves, and alliances are constantly shifting. Syria is one hot stew that could boil over at any moment.

Eastern Europe

After the Ukrainian government was ousted by rebels who wanted out of Russia’s sphere of influence (and some say with the help of Western governments), Russia annexed Crimea and helped support counter rebels in Eastern Ukraine. And that may not be the end of it. NATO and the EU are constantly trying to wrangle Eastern European nations into their own sphere of influence, and the Russian government feels like it’s being encircled by the West. Their only remaining friend in the region is an aging dictator in Belarus who is deeply unpopular. How long before Eastern Europe blows up again is anyone’s guess.

East China Sea

The Chinese government claims that this region rightfully belongs to them. Why? Because there’s tons of oil there, which mainland China is severely lacking. However, just about every nation on the planet disagrees with their claim, especially their neighbors like Japan, South Korea, and Vietnam, who have fought countless wars against them throughout history. Two of those nations are close allies of the US, and are capable of building nuclear weapons at any time.

North Korea

The only thing propping up the North Korean regime is China, and for good reason. If North Korea ever fell under the influence of the South, then an American ally would be about an eight hour drive away from Beijing. They’ll do everything in their power to keep American forces away from their borders. Unfortunately, North Korea is run by the most insane and antagonistic governments on the planet. Any small conflict here could quickly escalate into a global conflagration.

Russia-Chinese Border

These days it seems like Russia and China are real tight. They’ve been building a military and economic alliance for many years now, as they both view the United States as their biggest threat. However, this is a relationship of convenience and nothing more. In fact, there is a long history of antagonism between the two nations, which came to a head in 1969 when the two nations fought a border dispute.
And there’s no doubt that this border dispute could flare up again in the future, and the reason why has to do with the demographics of these nations. On the one hand you have China, which is brimming with people huddled in overpopulated cities, and then you have Russia, which has one of the lowest birth rates in the world. The Russians fear that one day the Chinese will seek to expand their territory into Eastern Siberia, which is sparsely populated, poorly protected, and resource rich. Given those conditions, the lower latitudes of Siberia would certainly be a tempting conquest for densely populated China.

India-Chinese Border

India and China are natural rivals. They’re both large, post-colonial nations with over a billion people, and they’re both trying to leverage their massive impoverished populations to build their economies. Essentially, they’re both vying for the same niche in the global economy; that of a nation with an endless supply of cheap labor. However, there’s only room for one at that table.

So it wouldn’t be surprising if these two nuclear armed nations came to blows in the future. In fact, they fought a border skirmish back in 1962, which India handily lost. A lot of bad blood still exists between these nations, and they both still argue about the dimensions of their borders.


Most people don’t talk or even think about Kashmir anymore, but they should. This region is quiet now, but it’s at the center of the single most dangerous border dispute in the world. India and Pakistan fought a war over this territory in 1999, but China has also laid claim to parts of Kashmir. So you have three nuclear armed nations with nearly 3 billion people all vying for this single chunk of land. That should end well right?

And don’t forget that Pakistan is on the footsteps of Afghanistan; a nation whose central location in Asia has made it one of the most hotly contested regions in human history. The US is currently struggling to maintain control over Afghanistan, so obviously a war over Kashmir could easily pull us in. After that, it’s anyone’s guess what happens next.


1.  Did anybody so categorically told you about WORLD WAR like scenario way back in March and June 2014?

2. Did you take ADVANTAGE of our SKILL SET and VISION? It was 100% FREE.

3. Do you STILL want to WASTE time with SO CALLED MEDIA EXPERTS rather than deciding to work with us?

We had also said in our post…..

If your Moon Sign is Vrigo (Kanya Rashi) / Libra (Tula Rashi) /  Scorpio (Vrischik Rashi) or Aries(Mesh Rashi), you can be affected more. If you are born in April+May or between August to November of any year, you may also get affected.

(Last 2 years – I have seen the above guys getting affected the MOST.)

If you look at 2015 and 2016, their total is 8 and 9. 8 represents Saturn and 9 represents Mars……these two years have also got the potential to add fuel to the fire. From 15th Nov., 2014 to Early 2017, Saturn will transit from Scorpio (again combination of Mars and Saturn – Scorpio is a sign of MARS)

Jupiter’s aspect on Scorpio till June 2015 will make things smooth for the people to accept the changes.

(Just see - Most negative events happened only after June 2015!!)

On 7th July, 2016, We have also WRITTEN NEW PREDICTION for WORLD - Why WORLD is witnessing so many negative EVENTS in recent times? How do we see coming one year? (Must read for every investor)

What NEXT?

The most Auspicious month of SHRAVAN starts from 3rd August 2016. Three months of SHRAVAN / BHADRAPAD / AHWIN are the most auspicious as per various RELIGIOUS system in INDIA. We have 27 days of SHRAVAN / 8 days of PARYUSHAN / 10 DAYS of GANPATI / 16 Days of SHRADDH PAKSH / 9 days of NAVRATRI / VIJAYADASHMI /
5 days of DIWALI.

All these days are the most auspicious. If you follow ASTROLOGY and VASTU – I suggest you CARRY out the GROWTH RELATED REMIEDIES during this period. You can approach your FAMILY astrologer for the same. If you wish – you can take our HELP also. We provide guidance 100% free to all our clients.

Destiny Management deals HOLLISTICALLY with you / your life in totality and your money. Just be with us for 3 years and see the MAGIC in your life.

Today is 1st of AUGUST, many guys have joined us in last 3 days. If you still want to START, I suggest you let me know fast.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 / www.hiteshmparikh.com

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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