Why WORLD is witnessing so many negative EVENTS in recent times? How do we see coming one year? (Must read for every investor)

Thursday, July 7, 16

Why WORLD is witnessing so many negative EVENTS in recent times? How do we see coming one year? (Must read for every investor)

Greetings from Hitesh! It is a tradition at DESTINY MANAGEMET to be always ahead in reading the ground realities of the MARKET/COUNTRY/WORLD and get prepared with the same. Unless you know it, you can’t prepare for it.

Somebody has said – “you can’t hit the Target you don’t see”. We follow the same. When we know the coming scenario from MACRO perspective – we can deal with the investment opportunities arising from MICRO perspective. We always suggest keeping the LARGER picture in Mind while dealing with investment opportunities.

Today I am making an attempt to give you the GLIMPS of the WORLD at a large. Most countries will be affected by these events. So, it is very much important to keep the same in mind.

How do we propose to deal with our study?

Just to simplify the matter – we have divided the WORLD in 4 DIRECTION – EAST / WEST / NORTH and SOUTH. I have also taken the sub-direction in the calculation. But to keep the NORMAL guys interest intact – I will deal with my conclusions rather than the process of arriving the same.


Lord of EAST is SUN. SUN is for AUTHORITY.

Currently EAST is occupied by RAHU/ GURU and PLUTO.  GURU will be there till 11th of the AUGUST.  After that EAST will have RAHU and PLUTO as major planets.

Following rules and regulations is not Rahu’s cup of tea. He prefers constantly breaking the rules, defying the general norms, breaking social customs, challenging the authority and creating troubles for others. Sun is authority and Rahu considers him his prime enemy.

Rahu is also a legendary master of deception who signifies cheaters, pleasure seekers, operators in foreign lands, drug dealers, poison dealers, insincere & immoral acts,etc.

It gives suicidal tendencies, fears, phobias, poisonous bites, murder, theft, imprisonment.

If you look at BREXIT – normal public has defied the authority and voted against them for exit of EU. Look at the MURDERS taking place by IS and other agencies around the world. They are defying the authority.


Pluto stands for DEATH / REBIRTH / TRANSFORMATION. It is KNOWN as YAM in Indian PARLANCE. It is a planet of SELF RIGHTIOUSNESS.

When it travels in the EAST – we see changes in POLITICAL LEADERSHIP world over. Pluto will be in EAST till 2022. INDIA got NARENDRA MODI in PLUTO’s EAST TRANSIT only.

We a have GURU for the last year with them. GURU stands for LUCK / EXPANSION / BLESSINGS / all good things that can happen to HUMANITY.

However, GURU also stands for HIPOCRACY.

Now combine RAHU / PLUTO and GURU and you have a DECEPTION / ILLUSION of CHANGE. Look at all the LAWS or STEPS of NAMO government in last two years – ACHHE DIN is proving deception for the NORMAL guys!! He is also facing lot of opposition from in party and opposition party!!

Same is the situation WROLD over. Look at OBAMA CARE – it is a cheating with NORMAL US citizens. They have SAVED BIG GUYS with TAX PAYERS money in 2008 and now they are offering token benefits to the normal citizens!!

India’s GDP numbers are also DECEPTIVE as per today’s media reports!!

So, deception / cheating will be the KEY at the MACRO LEVELS. Keep this in mind when you DEAL with so called BIG BANKS / MUTURAL FUNDS or INSURANCE COMPANIES WORLD OVER!!

CHEATERS and DECEPTORS will benefit in the coming one year and punished in the long RUN!!


SATURN dominates West. SUN and SATURN are FATHER and SON but they are not FRIENDLY with Each Other.


Ketu is the rest of the body of Rahu, it bestows spiritual tendencies, asceticism, and nonattachment to worldly desires and ambitions. Ketu is also a half-planet that bestows wisdom, powers of discrimination, and the knowledge of the self.

Neptune's glyph is the trident of Poseidon, God of the Seas. Much about this planet is fluid (Neptune rules the oceans of the Earth), changeable and illusory in nature. Neptune governs all dreams, illusion, abstract thoughts and mysteries. Neptune does have its showier side, as it rules movies, television, theater, fashion and all forms of glamour. In essence, Neptune is creating an illusion -- of what is enchanting on the outside and captivating within.

NEPTUNE in the WEST is creating FLUID Situations in WESTERN countries. Their DREAMS of SECURE and peaceful life are getting SHATTERED day by day. With KETU – they may develop SELF KNOWLEDGE and come to the TERMS in accepting the REALITY. However, KETU is for a year only and NEPTUNE for 14 years. So, WESTERN WORLD will suffer a lot in coming years.


GURU is the LORD of NORTH. BLESSINGS and all good things in your life is due to GURU.

SHANI / MANAGAL / HARSHAL / VENUS / MERCURY are passing in NORTH NOW. SHANI / MANGAL and HARSHAL were together in the past 6 months.

Look at the NORTH SIDE of the WORLD. FIRE/ BOMB BLAST and UNEXPCTED HEAVY RAIN at many of the places during past 6 months and it created major losses to the respective countries and humanity.

Uranus brings with it a new way of looking at things, and its approach is best met with an expanded consciousness. Originality, inventions, computers, cutting-edge technologies and future events are all ruled by this planet. Uranus sees no need for the status quo, preferring instead to break with tradition and create a new mold. While the building blocks (science, electricity) are safe here, this planet would rather focus its gaze on a new world order. To that end, rebellion, revolution, dictators, an autonomous state and free will all fall under the aegis of this planet.

SHANI is a TRADITION / CONVENTIONALITY. There is a FIGHT between these two.

On one side we are bringing ROBTOS / SELF DRIVING CARS and other side we are worrying about EMPLOYING the HUMAN force!!

HARSHAL will be there for a long time – so new TECHNOLOGY will win and it means more and more pains for NORMAL guys who are not keeping updated with TECHNOLOGY.
Yesterday’s Media says 60% of our ENGINEERING graduates are not employable as “They are OUT OF DATE”.

This will be a MAJOR CAUSE of FIGHTS and UNREST in the WORLD in the coming years.

The LIQUIDITY ISSUE of the WORLD is due to above combinations.


South has no PLANETS at this time and no MAJOR planet will be TRANSITING from SOUTH. However, it has an aspect from NORTH PLANETS - SATURN /MANGAL and HARSHAL.

So, SOUTH is equally affected due to that.

South stands for EARTH element. EARTH element is suffering a heavy blow due to WATER SHROTAGE in some parts / EARTH QUAKE and MAN MADE mistakes. This is one of the REASON due to which GOLD / SILVER / CRUDE / FOOD GRAIN prices are moving up!!

What it MEANS for the WORLD in Coming 1 year?

Situations will be FULL of DECPTION / CHEATING / ILLUSION and CHAOS. New IDEAS/ New PROPOSALS/ New TECHNOLOGY / New LEADERS will come and they will be opposed in the SHORT RUN.


Who will get AFFECTED the MOST by above combinations?

Those guys whose house or offices / businesses have vastu faults in EAST / NORTH/ NORTH EAST and SOUTH EAST will be the most affected guys in coming years. They will have issues related to HELATH / RELATHIONSHIPS / MONEY / HAPPYNESS and BUSINESS GROWTH.

This applies to the countries also!!


We are equipped to help you holistically from all the areas. We can help you maintaining your HEALTH / WEALTH and HAPPINESS through following steps.

1.    We can check your VASTU – 100% free for our clients – and suggest the REMIDIAL measures for the FALUTLS in all the above-mentioned directions.
2.    We can help you EARN tons of money by teaching investing and trading to you.
3.    We can provide personalized ASTRLOGICAL GUIDANCE and REMEDIES to deal with NEGATIVE COSMIC ENERGIES.
4.    We can guide you for your PERSONAL BUSINESS GROWTH through BUSINESS CONSULTANCY.
5.    We can also help you with WHERE to INVEST in such a SCENARIO kind of answers.
6.    We are also giving one to one teaching for REALLY DESRVING GUYS in using ASTROLOGY for TRADING and INVESTMENTS.

What NEXT?


If you do not want to SUFFER – I suggest you can approach me.


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh /  WhatsApp - +91-9869425399 / www.hiteshmparikh.com

Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.



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