HOW MANY OF YOU BELIEVED IN ME? When I said Mother Of All Bull is coming.

October 12, 15

HOW MANY OF YOU BELIEVED IN ME?  When I said Mother Of All Bull is coming.

Greetings from Hitesh! On july.,7th 2015, we wrote our bold call about market when we said – mother of all bull is coming. We had categorically said -

Our Market Call Since November 2014 :-

We had said that we would not see MANDI in market for coming 30 months!! We had given last 100 years of study to support our call. All NAY Sayers are dead. Those who followed them are cursing their LUCK now. Those who followed us are blessing us. This is the beauty of working with HITESH PARIKH. We always tell you in advance about market.


We see market going towards NEW HIGH in Coming 5 Months. You will see most bullish phase between SEPTEMBER to NOVEMBER - 2015. The approach is to keep on adding at LOW levels.

The hidden trick here is – MARKET will go up with certain companies joining the market mood and certain companies not joining the same. So, if you want to make money in this TEJI – in fact all TEJI – you must know which companies to bet on.

This was categorically told to you on 7th of July 2015!!

What has happened in market since Sep.,2015?

Nifty made a low of 7595 on 8th Sep., 2015. When all your experts were talking about 7200/7100 Nifty – we had given a bold call to buy NF or NF calls of 7600 to 8000 to our clients. They all made tons of money by going long as per our advise.

Nifty has made a high of 8248 on 9th October.,2015!! A gain of 653 points in Nifty Future(NF) – 8.59% in a month!! Those invested in CALLS made 100% to 300% return in last month itself!!


Since July – we have seen CHINA YUAN devaluation / Syria War and Mass exodus / Rain Issues / Political Issues / FED rate hike DRAMA / Overall disturbed World Market – but our market was moving as we TOLD YOU!!

This is the Best TESTIMONIAL for my skills. What else you need to follow me??

How Many of You Followed Our Call?

This call was given way back in July – 2 months ahead of the actual market movements!! It was 100% free of cost!! You just need to read our call and act in the market.

If you have not followed us – please ask yourself – why you missed? How long you want to keep on missing like this? Do you think life will go on giving you Opportunities after Opportunities and you can go on missing them?

If you have a track record of losing in the market – please read our last two posts on LUCK. One was written on 9th October 2015 and other was on 9th October 2014!! You need to read and reflect on your way of working / making investment choices and your overall purpose for your life.

What Next?

Many guys were waiting for NAVRATRI to join us. NAVRATRI starts tomorrow.

NAVRATRI is 9 nights as the name suggests – 3 nights to DURGA / 3 nights to LAKSHAMI and 3 nights to SARASVATI.

DURGA removes your negativity and gives you COURAGE/GUTS. LAKSHAMI gives you MONEY and STABILITY. SARASVATI gives you Intelligence and wisdom.

If you have a track record of missing opportunities or booking losses – I have TWO suggestions.

1.  Worship GODESSESS for your betterment during 9 days or establish SHREE YANTRA in your residence or business and follow our TECHNOLOGY to use the same.
2.  Join us and follow what we say.

The best approach would be to do the TWO things together!!

If you are worried for Spending Money on our FEES – just read what ZIG used to say.

The GREAT MOTIVATOR – ZIG ZIGLAR used to say – “If you pay the price for right thing – you do not incur expenditure – you ENJOY the BENEFITS.”

There is HITESH PARIKH and there are EXPERTS!! Your success will depend on whom you listen!!

Have a Great Week AHEAD.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh and join me on WhatsApp on +91 986 942 5399.

Hitesh Parikh


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