Credit Suisse Survey Says – 1% of Indian Population Controls 53% of Country’s Wealth. We tell you Untold Secrets

October 15, 15

Credit Suisse Survey Says – 1% of Indian Population Controls 53% of Country’s Wealth. We tell you Untold Secrets

Greetings from Hitesh! It has been a great month so far in the market – Nifty is consolidating but all our stocks are moving ahead like there is no tomorrow. Our clients are becoming happier day after day. Navratri has started. Many guys have joined in last 3 days. What about you? Do you still want to wait for that PERFECT DAY or MOMENT?  Let me give you good news – it will never come. If you love wasting opportunities – Nobody can help you.

(To help you take the fast decision – we had written a TRUTH of the RICHEST GUYS method of taking decisions)

Now let me Deal with CREDIT SUISSE report.

It says 1% of the Indian’s have 53% of the Wealth and 10% of the Indian’s have 76% of the wealth.

(On September 26, 15 – we had written about Money Making Secrets of RICHEST of the RICH – Understand their game and  – Make Tons of money. – in the same we told you about the same RATIO)

Most important data from the SURVEY says that there was 30% gap between 1% and 10% people’s wealth in the year 2000. This has come down to 23% now. In other words – 30% of the wealth was shared by 9% of the people in 2000 which is 23% NOW. In our ARTICLE mentioned above we have said that WEALTH will transfer from one RICH to OTHER as they have limited scope to make more money.

What is the VALUE of WEALTH?

The report in the Media does not talk about the absolute figure. But we have a way to look at it. GDP of India was about USD 2000 billion or USD 2 trillion in 2014. More than half is controlled by 1% of the population.

India’s population is 125 cr people. 1% of the same is 1.25 cr people. In other words average per head wealth per person in TOP bracket is close to INR 55000 Crs.

If you are earning Rs.5 lakhs to Rs.5 Crs per year – just look at the above figure and think where are you?

What Our Survey in 2007 Revealed?

We had conducted very simple survey with our clients and our acquaintances in 2007 in which we had just asked them to put Number against following PRIORITIES IN THEIR LIFE

1.  To Be Secure.
2.  To Be Comfortable.
3.  To Be Rich.

The Findings of our SURVEY:-

90% of the people had there priorities as follows:-

1.  To Be Secure.
2.  To Be Comfortable.
3.  To Be Rich.

They want Security as the first thing. When your priority is the security – you want secure job, secure income, secure retirement, secure social atmosphere, etc,. Once you feel secure, the second thing you want is the Comforts of Life – Big House, Car, Furniture, etc,. If these two priorities are achieved first and by stroke of luck – if you become rich then you have no problem!!! These are the people who are rich by CHANCE and not by CHOICE. If at all they Become!!

However… … …

10% of the people had there priorities as follows:-

1.  To Be Rich.
2.  To Be Comfortable.
3.  To Be Secure.

Please note that these are the people who have the first priority as being rich and last priority for security. They create wealth, they enjoy wealth and they become secure by default!!! These people want to become rich by CHOICE and not by CHANCE.

So, unless you decide to become rich – everything that happens with your life, career and family is left to CHANCE.

Point to Ponder:-

Do you want to live your life by CHANCE or by CHOICE?

How Indian Middle Class Thinks?

I am sharing some TRUTHS – just read them and see your own behavior against the same.

1.  Indian moms want their daughters to control their husband and expect their sons to control their wives.

2.  Parents want their children to stand out in a crowd but expect them to do what everybody else is doing.

3.  Everything that is run by the government looks very bad except government jobs.

4.  India, a country of 1635 languages but united by a foreign language.

5.  Indian government talks about removing the caste system but you are required to mention your caste on every damn form you fill.

6.  Seeing a policeman makes us nervous rather than making us feel safe.

7.  We often say "Atithi Devo Bhavah" but we do not allow visitor parking in our residential societies.

8.  We are Always in a hurry but never on time..!

9. People want to make tons of money but they want to SAVE on ADVISORY and Consultancy Charges.

Those people who have these kinds of DOUBLE standards – they end up being in 90% of the populations till the end of their life.


There are some typical middle class people they have nothing better than to blame India for everything. They like USA / SINGAPORE / DUBAI and they praise those countries like anything.

Look – in your country only there are people who have Rs.55000 Crs wealth per person with them!! They have the same system / same road / same infrastructure / same BABU Culture – still they have reached to these places.

You have time to BLAME and they want 48 hours in a DAY so that they can grow ahead fast!!

What NEXT?

Mother of All Bull Has Already Started – Do you want to Miss?

Many guys have been our regular reader since 2008 and they have missed all our great calls one after another. They are still waiting for the RIGHT TIME!!

If you want to GRAB moneymaking opportunities with TWO HANDS – please join us NOW. If you wish you can take TRIAL of 3 months before you JOIN us.

Whatever is your decision – ACT fast!!


Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh and join me on WhatsApp on +91 986 942 5399.

Live With Passion…. Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh


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