Major Mistake of Aurangzeb / Narendra Modi and Small Investors – learn from them.

October 19, 15

Major Mistake of Aurangzeb / Narendra Modi and Small Investors – learn from them.

Greetings from Hitesh! We whole-heartedly welcome all our new members joined during auspicious period of Navratri so far. If you are still sitting on FENCE – I suggest you also take fast action. Just see market is moving up as told you since July 2015!!  I was reading about Aurangzeb in the weekend and I found very interesting mistake he made and which ultimately brought down the MOGUL empire. Let me deal with the same.


He was the most successful Mogul Emperor. He was a great fighter. He expanded mogul empire in south and added lot of wealth to his TREASURY. After AKBAR – he did the maximum additions to Mogul empire.

While he was expanding his empire – he came across SHIVAJI. Shivaji was master in Guerrilla Warfare and he made it difficult for Aurangzeb to rule the country.

Aurangzeb’s sleep was lost due to Shivaji and his son’s attacks. Major part of resources and attention of Aurangzeb was drawn towards MARATHAS and he lost the control of India. By the time English / French and other guys also started coming to India and we lost the effective CENTRAL Power In India.

Narendra Modi:-

This guy came to power due to his past track record / effective PR management / clean image and lot of promises. He has made lot of headways for India in International Politics and he is doing great job in that area.

However, he is facing lot of in Party tussle from his supporting parties – particularly SHIV SENA. He has to pay lot of attention and time to take them together / convince them before he can take major policy initiatives.

Mr.Modi is also not able to focus on the execution of his promises – Food inflation is all time high (though inflation rate is NEGATIVE!!)

He is not able to perform as he was expected to perform!! This is a cause of worry for India.

Are we surprised?

Not at all. Way back in Nov.,2013 – before he became prime minister – in our post titled – “how effective Mr.Modi will be as a PM?” – we had categorically said – we do not expect DRASTIC results!! Just see nothing has CHANGED!! Just see how correctly we are guiding you!! Still you want to follow TOM /DICK and HARRY)

(I suspect since this time businesses & Industries are facing liquidity issues – so they may be covering Election Expenses from FOOD ITEMS!! How come he is not able to stop BLACK MARKETING and HOARDING of Food products?)

Small Investors:-

Most small investors are unable to see the larger picture of their wealth creation and their growth. Suppose they have 20 companies in their portfolio and 2 are in loss – they will waste their time on those 2 rather then to invest more in the companies, which are moving FAST!!

Like Mr.Modi’s foreign visits – they also want to go for ESOTERIC investments in Mutual funds / fund of funds / ETFs / SIPs rather than finding a simple business model and investing in it. He is not focused. He wants to do everything and anything!!

If God confers you TWO BOONS – what will you ask?

I have just received a joke from a FRIEND – a guy was doing TAPASYA and GOD became happy with him. God asked him to go for BOONS – and he asked for the BEST DRINK and the BEST WOMAN. He immediately got GANGA JAL and MOTHER TERESA!!

Does this happen with you? Like GOD, Market must be surprising you with its moves. You must be seeing a GAP between your expectation and your results.

With us – we see the market moves WELL in ADVANCE and we prepare our clients for the same. Any upcoming events don’t surprise us. 99.9% of the time we would have factored the same while planning our investments.

You need a GUY – who can guide you where to invest and what to EXPECT in current market, so that when you get the results – there is no gap or minimum gap between what you expect and what you get!!

What Next?

History is the best learning TOOL we all have. Just read as much as you can and see the difference in your investment approach.

AKBAR had 9 gems (NAV RATNA) in his court to advice him while Aurangzeb did not have anybody. That’s why in spite of winning the most area for Mogul empire – Aurangzeb has a negative image!! Mr.Modi is also working single handedly. There is no second tier in his team!!

You might not have court and you might not be able to afford 9 gems like AKBAR – but you definitely can afford our services and improve your performance – today / tomorrow and forever!!

Auspicious days are going on – just join us.

Wish you all a Happy Week AHEAD.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh and join me on WhatsApp on +91 986 942 5399.

Live With Passion…. Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh


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