September 29, 2014
Greetings from Hitesh! It’s a moment to feel proud when our Prime Minister addressed around 20000 NRIs in Madison Square last night. Millions watched him on TV and Net. Many of NRI friends were saying MADISON to be renamed as MODISON but looking at this historic speech, I suggest the name should be MODI SPEECH SQUARE. What do you say?  
If you have listened or read the speech on net – Mr.Modi talked about following.
You should have one LEG in India:-
In August 2012, not knowing who will come to the power in India in 2014, we had given a bold predication – 68 years of independence to 86 years of independence will make India a super power!!  This is a power of my system.
I had suggested my NRI friends to invest 5% of Net worth every year for 5 years!! If you have not listened to me, listen to Mr.Modi now.
65% of Population below 35 years:-
On August 29, 2014 – we had written our article - Why Indian Market Will Keep on Going Up, Up and Up? We had supported our report with YALE University Study and shared link of their report also.

73% of the population is literate as per 2011 Cencus and supported by Democrary and they have a huge pent up demand. This alone is capable of changing India. What else you need to invest in India?
Good Governance:-
Mr.Modi has started removing old and cumbersome laws. This will make it easy for the people to follow the laws. In fact, this will induce the moral responsibility among Indian Citizens.
So, you can rest assure that your investments will be safe and secure.
My Personal Call:-
For me India has a Unique Combination at its 68th Birthday.
1.   Visionary, Bold, Street Smart and India Dedicated Leader.
2.   Support of educated young population.
3.   Strong Desire to change among Indians
You have these three aces in your hand. Do you think you need anything else to win the game of investments?
What Next?
India’s destiny is changing. We were the first to write about it in 2012. If you enter when very few are willing to invest, you will really change the destiny of you and your generations.
Make your choice.
If you need help in Investing, do contact Hitesh Parikh.
Have a Great Week Ahead.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.


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