Think & Grow Rich to Awaken the Giant Within – What They Did Not Teach You?

September 2, 2014

Think & Grow Rich to Awaken the Giant Within – What They Did Not Teach You?  

Greetings from Hitesh! Thanks for your response to my article on Why Indian Market will keep on Going up up and up and also last article on Happiness. Many have asked me to write about success in general and in the realm of investments. So, here it goes.

Think & Grow Rich to Awaken the Giant Within:-

If you look at the long history of Self help book / motivational speakers / personality development trainers / success coaches – you will find a common logic between them.

They study the successful person – they find out what qualities had made them successful and they give you the assurance that – if you follow them the way they have followed – you will also get those results!! They suggest role model concept.  How simple, isn’t it? It’s like 2+2 = 4.  Do you think life is so simple?

I am sure many would have tried to copy Ambani, How many Ambanis we have produced since 2002??

Belief in Cause and Effect Rule:-

Their main logic is cause and effect rule. They study the effect (E.g. successful people) first, then they find out the causes of the same. Then they ask their clients to follow the causes so that they can also create the same effect like that of successful person. This approach looks logical to the most Management educated guys and they become the client of such consultant!!

Mr.Anthony Robbins had trained /coached who is who of the world including US President/ Bill Gates/ Jackson so on and so forth. But how many trained by him became US President or Bill Gates?

The Biggest Problem in Studying the Most Successful Person:-

Let me share a recent example of George Soros.

The Myth:-

Writer Barton Biggs after reading Alchemy of Finance said – The Alchemy of Finance is a seminal investment book….It should be read / underlined and thought out page by page, concept by concept. He(Mr.Soros) is the best pure investor ever.

The Reality:-

Rober Soros, his son, said – “My father will just sit down and give you theories to explain why he does this or that. But I remember seeing it as a kid and thinking, Jesus Chirst, at least half of this is B.S., I mean, you know the reason he changes position in the market or what ever is because his back starts killing him. It has nothing to do with reason. He literally goes into spasm, and it’s his early warning system.”

What George Said – “My approach works not by making valid predications but allowing me to correct false ones.” (His son told us – how he corrects his decision!!)

If you read this example – you will realize that the writer is telling you what he has been told / read or analyzed about the Soros. But the reality is different. Now, you make Soros a role model based on this writer – what will happen to you??

There is some missing link. Let us go to Mr.Taleb for the same.

What Mr.Nasim Taleb Said in his best selling book – Fooled By Randomness:-

Mr.Taleb says that modern humans are unaware of the existence of randomness. They tend to explain random outcomes as non-random (Logical). He said….

1.   Human beings overestimate causality, e.g., they see elephants in the clouds instead of understanding that they are in fact randomly shaped clouds that appear to our eyes as elephants (or something else); They see the elephant. (In the night of October 1999, I had seen people looking at the sky in mumbai and they could see ASHARAM BAPU – (now in jail) was giving DARHSHAN in the SKY!!)
2.   Tend to view the world as more explainable than it really is. So they look for explanations even when there are none.
3.   Survivorship bias. We see the winners and try to "learn" from them, while forgetting the huge number of losers. How many Cricketers would have taken inspirations from Tendulkar – still can you find somebody mathching him?
4.   Skewed distributions. Many real life phenomena are not 50:50 bets like tossing a coin, but have various unusual and counter-intuitive distributions. An example of this is a 99:1 bet in which you almost always win, but when you lose, you lose all your savings. People can easily be fooled by statements like "I won this bet 50 times". According to Taleb: "Option sellers, it is said, eat like chickens and go to the bathroom like elephants", which is to say, option sellers may earn a steady small income from selling the options, but when a disaster happens they lose a fortune.

In short, according to Mr.Taleb, Cause and effects are not related in the same proportions and every effect can not be predicted or explained.

What is the use of reading above books?

According to me, it has two purposes.

1.     The above books can help you sustain your success. Remember - they can not make you successfull!! With this limitation – you can use them like anything.

2.     Once you become successful and if you are smart like Mr.Soros –– you can quote principles from the above books and make your success looks logical to other guys!!

My Personal Call:-

The western culture as we see today is a product of last 500 years. In fact, USA was not there 300 years ago!! If you have read the history – there is a correlation between Vasco da Gama coming to India – taking ships of Gold to Portugal and starting of Industrial Revolution over there!!

For the die hard fans of English and their management concepts – it would be suffice to know that this language was invented just 1200 years ago!!

They are still at a nascent stage. So, it is very natural for them to follow trial and error method – to take out inferences from the successful people and to learn from them. They can  not think out of the box!!

But when you look at the India, scenario is different. We have a long history of 10000 years plus. Our seers have explained what Mr.Taleb failed to explain.

Lord Krishna had said 5000 years back

1.   Your right is to take the action and not in results!!
2.   Follow your own Dharma – no need for being somebody. You are perfect. ( Here Dharma is your role and not your religion)
3.   Carry out actions by creating expertise in your field.
4.  The boldest suggestion from Lord Krishna was – Following your Dharma – if you kill all of them – you will not incur any SIN!! (This is 100% out of the box solution even today!!)

Moreover, we have a concept called personal destiny explained in the science of Astrology. It tells that you have a destiny – within it you can do anything and everything. But whatever you do – you will not be able to cross the same!! (It hurts the personal ego – when you read such things. But it is a fact)

What is Our Suggestion?

At Destiny Management – first we help you understand your destiny. Once you understand your destiny and accept it as it is – it becomes easy for you to excel and improve upon it.

It’s like taking a possession of raw flat – you can decorate any which way you like – as long as you are not entering your neighbor’s boundary/wall.

Get your destiny read by us. Understand your own circumference and excel in the same.

What Next?

Whether it is your investments or your destiny, you can always rely on Destiny Management Services. Do contact us.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.
Hitesh Parikh.


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