What Kind Of Questions Should You Ask While You Invest and Live Your Life? (A gift to my readers)

June 25, 2014

What Kind Of Questions Should You Ask While You Invest and Live Your Life? (A gift to my readers)

Greetings from Hitesh! Thanks for your word of appreciation for my last email. I am grateful to each of you for reading it. Thanks from bottom of my heart. Today I am going to deal with the most important question of our life – what kind of questions should we ask while we invest and in general.

In the last 25 years, most investor friends and my astrology clients have asked some common questions. Just go through them. I am sure your mind would also have raised some of the questions.

Questions While They Invest:-

1.   What kind of return we can make?
2.   How fast we can double our money?
3.   Where is market going?   
4.   Will this share move up fast?
5.   Why so and so is buying XYZ shares?  Why they are selling?
6.   How will be the Budget?
7.   What will happen if PM resigns?
8.   What will happen to market due to war / draught?

You can add many such questions.

Questions they ask to their astrologer?

1.   Will my kid get the admission to good school / college / university?

2.   When will he/she get married? Will it be in our caste or outside our caste? Love marriage or arranged marriage? From which direction his partner will be? Do the horoscopes match? How will be his married life? How will be the in-laws? What about their kids? Will they have first son or daughter?

3.   Will I get Job?  Will I get confirmation? Will I get promoted? Should I change the job?

4.   Should I do business? What kind of business I should do? Which industry/goods/services favour my stars?

5.   When will I become Millionair/Billionair? How much wealth I can accumulate?

6.   How long I will live? Will I live 100 years? How will be my health? Will I die first or my partner? Which son/daughter will take care of me in my old age?

I am sure that these kinds of questions would have come to your mind at some point of time in your life. I am 100% sure that you can add many such questions on your own.

What do these questions imply?

Just read them with peace of mind. Read again. Can you see the temporary nature of your questions? They come up as per the time in your life. Because they are temporary in nature, solving them will never bring permanent happiness in your life. e.g. you were unhappy when you did not get the job. Now you are unhappy for confirmation. Then you will be unhappy for not getting promotion!!

Root causes of these questions are your Ego / Greed and Fear.
You study/do job/business/do marriage, etc assuming that it will give you happiness. You also assume that more income means more comforts and more comforts mean more happiness. But do you really become happy at the end???

If you see your life as a Cricle, all these questions form part of your circumferences. It has nothing to do with your CENTRE. When you are not deeply connected to your centre, with every achievement your un-happiness increases.

Many times people argue that it is better to CRY sitting in BMW then on a Bench in a garden. But I think it is an insult to BMW, if you have to cry after sitting in it!! Moreover, it also proves that you missed something very important while getting to BMW!!

What Kind Of Questions Can Connect You To Your Centre?

1.   What is the purpose of my life? Why I am given this life?

2.   What will I do if I live 100 years? Do I have some worth while purpose? How happy will I be when I die? How happy I am now?

3.   What will I do if I have millions of rupees? How will I use them? Will I make difference in society at large?

4.   What is the core purpose of my doing business/job/investments / earning lot and lot of money or doing any other activity?

5.   Do I get happiness from my achievement in all areas of my life?  Does my achievement make me sabotage my happiness? Do I go from one achievement to another without being HAPPY? Why I am achieving?

6.   What is the potential of my son/daughter to become a good student / executive / businessman and Husband or Wife? If not, how can I increase the same?

What do these questions imply?

If you read and re-read these questions, it has nothing to do with what is on circumference; it has to do with the Center. More such questions will force you to be with your source. Be with your centre.

When you are connected to your centre, you will be 100% in control of your life. You will be happiness oriented. Your criteria of doing everything will be to bring more and more happiness for you and people around you.

What is my Personal Call?

If you ask wrong questions, you will lead a mediocre life in spite of your success in other areas. You will be empty within. You will be away from Happiness!!

If you feel that you are reasonably successful in other areas and only missing link in your life is Happiness, I suggest you contact us.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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