What Will You Do, if IRAQ situation turns into 3rd World War? (If you read this, you will be 10yrs ahead from your friends)

June 20, 2014

What Will You Do, if IRAQ situation turns into 3rd World War? 
(If you read this, you will be 10yrs ahead from your friends)

Greetings from Hitesh! I am keeping a close watch on situations in Iraq. A thought came to my mind - can this be the beginning of 3rd world war? I did my ground work and this article is the results of the same. My idea is to keep my reader ahead of the masses. So, read this article from that perspective.

As usual, we do not discuss Why and Why not? Our style has always been to see the ground realities. I see myself as a SEER (one who sees).

Ground Realities:-

Panic Stricken Debtor Can Do Anything:-

Since 2008, US had been trying various combinations of policies to boost its economy. After 6 years and wastage of trillions of Dollars, it has realized that Economy is dying a slow death.

Traditionally, USA is a WAR economy. Its major GDP comes from WAR related businesses!! (Many of the skeptics will not agree with me). Even today, USA is the biggest war material supplier to the world countries.  

Unless there is a war like situations, you will not need guns / missiles and things like that. A situation like Iraq is a good way to sell their arms and ammunitions.

In a current situation, USA is in deep debt, because, their major industry is not contributing to GDP. So, ground reality tells me that USA can have wasted interest if war like situations continues!!

It is acting as a WATCH MAN for world countries, but what will happen if WATCH MAN becomes a THIEF? We see more chances of happening this.

Does War Bring Prosperity?

Was has always brought TEJI after it is over. After 1st world war, US economy and share market grew one sided from 1922 to 1929!! Then great depression started (No WAR).

Again 2nd world war started and US economy and share market moved up from 1952 to 1960. Did you see JAPAN and GEMANY’s progress after 2nd World war?

So, war helps cleaning up the mess at one go. This can become a major attraction for US/Europe and other non performing economy to have a war!!

What Astrological Position Indicates?

Since March 2014, we have been writing about Bad events taking place. Just see the events and you will get the larger picture.

Currently, Mars and Rahu are in degreecal conjuction and they will cross each other in June 2014 last week to first week of July 2014. Mars and Saturn will come together later in the July. So, coming 2-3 months will be full of events affecting the sentiments.

If your Moon Sign is Vrigo (Kanya Rashi) / Libra (Tula Rashi) /  Scorpio (Vrischik Rashi) or Aries(Mesh Rashi), you can be affected more. If you are born in April+May or between August to November of any year, you may also get affected.

If you look at 2015 and 2016, their total is 8 and 9. 8 represents Saturn and 9 represents Mars……these two years have also got the potential to add fuel to the fire. From 15th Nov., 2014 to Early 2017, Saturn will transit from Scorpio (again combination of Mars and Satrun – Scorpio is a sign of MARS)

Jupiter’s aspect on Scorpio till June 2015 will make things smooth for the people to accept the changes.

How Do We See the Larger Picture?

If you look at the history of mankind……when the situations becomes unmanageable by the people on earth, Nature comes out with its own solutions.

If you look at the birth of all the great souls, they were the solutions of the Nature given at that time. In recent past, Mahatma Gandhiji was the nature’s solution for India’s Independent. At present, Mr.Modi is nature’s solutions to India’s current issues.

Same way WAR may become the nature’s solutions to clean up the mess from the world. That’s why Mr.Modi might have used the tag line…Acche Din Anewale Hey!!

What will be the impact on India?

Over the years, world has become FLAT. So, it will surely affect India. However, I see some important distinctions for India.

1. War will not be fought on Indian land.

2. India’s has got the most able leader in the last 60 years time.

3. The fund managers all over the world will look at some of the least affected countries to park their funds. India may get the significant share of it.

4. Mr. Modi has taken drastic steps in last 25 days of becoming a PM and I am hopeful that he will continue the same with more and more vigor.

5. India’s will enter into 68 years of independence and we have already given our study showing a change of destiny for Indian from 68 years to 86 years!!

How do we interpret Nostradamus Prediction?

In the last week of May, (After Mr.Modi became PM) Media was talking about his predictions. As per them, he had predicated that India will become super power by 2020!!

We do not expect, India become USA by 2020!! That is not possible. Most plausible scenario could be…….that due to war like situations, countries participating in war become more and more affected economically. They become extremely weak and India kept on improving day after day under Modiji. So, it may look as if we are Super Power in those situations.

However, stars do indicate a good time for India between 68 to 86 years of its independence!!

What Should You Do?

We are telling all our NRI friends to invest in India. India is going to be the land of opportunities in the coming years. Indian way / Indian sciences and Indian traditions will be dominating in the times to come. (Many of you might feel like laughing!! Do laugh. But remember that we were the first to write you about it)

Whether you agree with me now or not, situations will force you to look for greener pastures in coming 5 year’s time. If you start now, you will be ahead of the masses.

How can we help you?

We can help you plan your long term investments in equities. We can also guide you astrologically to understand your personal destiny in coming 5-10 years. If you combine these two, you will be more prepared to take advantage of the situations arising in coming time.

Do write or call to us, if you feel you should consult us.

Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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