Do You Think Your Friend Is Jealous of Your Success?

May 25, 2014

Do You Think Your Friend Is Jealous of Your Success?

Wish you a very happy Sunday. May you spend time with your loved ones and recharge yourself. For all of us our friend is the most loved ones. We really love to spend time with them, isn’t it? So, today I am going to share a Friendship Story.

A Blind Friend:-

Mr. A was passing Sahara Desert along with his dear friend Mr.B, who happened to be a blind in a chilly winter time. One morning Mr.B woke up early. He tried to find out his Bamboo Stick but could not find. Instead, he got very smooth and oily stick in his hand.

He thanked the God for giving him this new stick. In his happiness he woke up Mr.A with the new stick. He wanted to tell him that he got the new very beautiful stick.

As soon as Mr.A woke up, he saw a Snake in the form of stick in his friend’s hand. (Snake was frozen in the chilly winter and being blind Mr. B was finding it like a stick). Mr. A told that as soon as sun shines, the snake will take its original form and it will take your life. So, Mr.A told his friend to throw away the stick and found out the Bamboo Stick for His Friend.

Now, Mr.B got angry with Mr.A. Mr.B said, you are feeling jealous of me. You can not see me using such a beautiful stick which God has given me. You want to take away this stick from me so you are offering me bamboo stick!

I can not stay with such a jealous friend. I am going on my own way. Saying this, Mr.B started walking on his own way. As soon as the day started, frozen snake became normal and took the life of Mr.B!!

How does this Story Affect Normal Investor?

When I look at the portfolio of my friends, they are loaded with SIPs / Ulips / Pension Plans / Retirement Plans / Fixed Deposits / Postal Savings / PPF and things like that.

When I tell them that there are better options available……they think I am jealous for their security!! They also think that I am suggesting other options because I can make money by charging them fees for my advice!!

What Spiritual Masters Say?

Spiritual masters see this Snake as a Death. Your time is running out. You are getting near and near to your death each passing day. So, before it comes……realize the truth.

When you realize the truth (When you see the Snake), you need not be told to leave the snake!! You will do it naturally. Am I right?

What is My Reply?

Yesterday, I shared a beautiful story of a Potter and Jeweler. If you have missed, you can read by clicking on this link. (How My Friend Lost Rs.1 Cr. for Saving Just 25 paise? )

Like Potter I have a shining stone in the form of Comprehensive Experiences of over 25 years in the area of investments, astrology and other related sciences. I am getting Rs.1 every day for the same. I am happy with that. But, if you miss this stone……you are missing Crores.

If Mr.Narendra Modi was not ready to leave the post of CM of Gujarat, he would never have become PM of India.

Make Your Choice.

Your Decision Will Make Your Destiny.

Have a Great Sunday.
Follow me on Twitter @hiteshmparikh Or on Whatsapp - +91-9869425399.
Live With Passion…Invest With Passion.

Hitesh Parikh.


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